View Full Version : hdd help

13-11-14, 13:34

this morning iv noticed iv lost all my recordings on my internal hdd.I also get "timeshift not possible check filesytem format"

iv been using the same hdd in my uno for 2years now never had this problem

when I ftp to my box and check movie folder its empty but all my folders are still there just everything inside seems to have vanished

is there any way of getting my recordings back or do I have to reformat my hdd and start again

any help with this is much appreciated

using build Apollo 054

13-11-14, 15:24
ok so the folders I was looking in were ones in my usb.it seems like my box had switched my usb mount to hdd and will no longer load my hdd

when I go into menu,storage it shows my hdd 2tb memory.when I try to convert ext3 to ext 4 I get the following "error:unexpected inconsistency run fsck manually.

when I try to remount I just get mount failed

13-11-14, 15:59
Remove the usb, do a full reboot of the receiver and try again. It is also possible that the drive has failed

13-11-14, 17:19
tried that thanks,but it did not work

iv done a initialization to make sure my drive is ok, that worked now my hdd is working again but iv lost all my recordings

13-11-14, 17:30
When you initialise a drive it re-formats it and clears all data. It's possible that the drive is failing or has failed and just because it initialises does not mean it won't fail again. It might have been possible to recover your files by putting the drive into another machine and selectively copying data but not now after initialising. Alternatively, if you have access to a desktop PC or similar and can run a SMART analysis it might give you a potential reason for failure. In my view it would be best to treat the drive as if it has actually failed and replace it soon.

13-11-14, 19:31
When you initialise a drive it re-formats it and clears all data. It's possible that the drive is failing or has failed and just because it initialises does not mean it won't fail again. It might have been possible to recover your files by putting the drive into another machine and selectively copying data but not now after initialising. Alternatively, if you have access to a desktop PC or similar and can run a SMART analysis it might give you a potential reason for failure. In my view it would be best to treat the drive as if it has actually failed and replace it soon.

yes I think your right

iv done a fresh flash to build 80 restarted the box, the same thing happened and I had to initialise once again to get my box to recognize my hdd

do you have a link at all on how to do a SMART analysis