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View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-C] Virgin Channel Order Wrong, Completely Wrong

12-11-14, 00:31
Hey all,

Used ABM for ages now on cable. Never had any issues. That's until i upgraded to 078 today and did a rescan. All ABM settings are exactly the same as previous working scan. Channel orders are all wrong, all channels are there but they are in the wrong places such as sport in the movies section and the movies dotted around in all the other sections. Some headers even have no channels in them but the channels are located somewhere else.

I've done a sat scan and everything is fine order wise on that side. I've also done a manual scan to update my cables.xml but thats not fixed it.

I understand another build update will be coming soon but thought it best to post this up in case a fix needs to go out.


abu baniaz
12-11-14, 00:43
The only changes to ABM are to add no LCN so that Turksat and another 19.2 provider works. However, these have not been implemented yet into the public AFAIK. They were checked in an ex-CW area before being committed. I may well be incorrrect, can you try an older image and try again to rule out ABM.

This is now the third post stating something along the same lines.

EDIT: Please wait for 79 with the fix.

12-11-14, 00:43
Sounds like the exact problem myself and bobonthejob, are having in the thread below. Maybe nothing to do with area and all about the vix 78 build then? Who knows hopefully will be sorted soon.

12-11-14, 00:51
I will try first thing in the morning. Any particular build abu? Any log files required, and how do i create them?


12-11-14, 01:06
Just checked my previous build where it was working fine. Build 037. Suppose that's no help with there being 40 builds since! I'll try something more recent in the morn. Night peeps.

abu baniaz
12-11-14, 01:08
Happening to me too now!:(

Wait for 79 please.

abu baniaz
12-11-14, 01:51
Did not spot the commit. Improved one thing and side effect on another. These things happen

Peter has already applied the fix ready for 79.

12-11-14, 08:40
No worries. It wouldn't be half as fun if everything went perfect all the time!

Cheers again.

12-11-14, 09:03
079 is online now, please check.

12-11-14, 09:58
Checking now...

12-11-14, 10:07
Confirmed working on build 79....Looks like we are ok again....Great work.

12-11-14, 13:18
I can also confirm that it is now working. Cheers for your help, it's good to talk lol.