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View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] change/remove/disable inbuild Movie Player

06-11-14, 13:39

My Duo2 with all Apollo versions have problems to stable play movies. Segfaults by play Porn, files from Friends, files from other receiver, cameramovies. In principle, it can affect all the files which have not been recorded with openVix.
Or Box crash when I use the remote control to quickly/often in movieplayer. :-) then come "ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: '' or "ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
With other Images (Vu+/VTI) all files playing without problems. I can jump forward, backward, stop, pause, play any time without a crash.
Now the all important question: is there a way to remove inbuild movieplayer and install the default vu+ movieplayer? or there is a other movie player which completely replaces the built-in?

THX Lothar

06-11-14, 16:27
Do you have a sample which crashes on your Duo2 all the time? My Duo2 works perfect with all kind of files I tried up to now. I use MediaPortal and IPTV quite often. I do not think it is a problem with OpenViX in general.

When you have problematic files on your hdd? If yes did you try with a fresh installation without restore and without installing any plugins.


06-11-14, 16:35
The media player in ViX is the default Enigma2 media player found in all images, there is nothing for you to uninstall, remove or disable.

06-11-14, 19:13
Do you have a sample which crashes on your Duo2 all the time? .... I use MediaPortal and IPTV quite often. I do not think it is a problem with OpenViX in general.

Sorry i have no especial sample. it can affect all files which are not recorded with OpenVIX. often extends a not immediate-start Stream, short Pause/Play or jump forward to provoke the crash. Particularly frequently occurs the segfault on at the Online Streams, but when i record a stream with Mediainfo so i can play it from HDD without issue.
Only direct played files in HbbTV are not affected, but these do not use the inbuild media player so i think. so I got the idea times to try a different media player. or can it be the buffer size?
Last full clean install was yesterday build 0.73. thirst i have think its now ok, but after Preview 10-20 Porns :cool: Segfaults come back.


My Duo2 works perfect with all kind of files I tried up to now.

Can you make a full image backup from your working DUO2? so i will test it on my Duo2 without changes.

06-11-14, 19:44
it is better to try a clean image and for instance only install Mediaportal. When I remember correctly your problem is there for quite a while so I think it must have something to do with the plugins you have installed. I cannot even remember when I had the last crash while playing a stream.


07-11-14, 15:43

next time i will test again with full clean 073.
But this morning i have test other latest OE-Alliance images (PLI/ATV) with all my settings and plugins i use in VIX. On this both images no one crash with various files from various sources. :confused:

07-11-14, 17:13
No positive return,

after setup Favorites and settings i have only install TSmedia, mediaportal and mediainfo. After a few files the various crashes come back. :sofahide::smash:
what is merely wrong with VIX?
the whole morning i have test hours with many, many streams in OE-Alliance Pli and ATV and no one minimal crash is to provoke. I install VIX, test only a few minutes and become one crash after the other provoked.
The curious, One and the Same Stream run times without a problem and other times it crashes. :confused:

I attached the logs (crash and debug)

07-11-14, 18:11
there are several reasons.

Could you do a cat /proc/stb/vmpeg/0/framerate in Telnet? The first crash seems to come from autoresolution. Try disable it. I take a look at it.

Second case is a problem of the SimplePlayer from MediaPortal. When you press audio long there you get a crash. I am not sure if something can be done there. When in ATV and you press audio long while streaming a movie with MediaPortal does anything happen? Audio long is used in OpenViX to toggle downmix on/off.

Third seems to a kernel problem. Is this always happen when playing this file?

What version of MediaInfo do you use? I found out that version beyond 0.6.2 having problems with OpenVix.


07-11-14, 18:30
Build 71 and 73 everything crashes on my Gigablue quad +.
When i try ts media, on demand and recordings. Just freezes my box and crashes.

07-11-14, 19:07
Maybe there is a bug with auto resolution, I don't use it but it seems to be the given reason behind enigma crashes on my duo2, it always happens when I am recording from sat, and browsing my recordings, with cable tuner playing in the live tv window.

07-11-14, 20:18
Hi Trial,

cat /proc/stb/vmpeg/0/framerate give back "50000". Auto-resolution is disable, i don't use it.

Audio long? i think have do this in ATV/PLI also. All Time this morning i have press all the possible relevant buttons long/single/douple. The worst that happened was a black still image. but this I could left with Exit after a short spinner.

The Kernel problem can come on any stream. If i install more and more plugins, the more frequently it occurs in VIX image. for the most part in streams with high resolution, ACC sound or choppy picture. (framerate?) but the same stream can play one time later without issue. Such problematic files in PLI/ATV often have no sound or after pause/play they are resumed takes a long time. Worst case in PLI/ATV was still image that i can leave with exit button after a short spinner.

MediaInfo are downloaded from feed. Version? i don't no, sorry.

07-11-14, 23:29

@007 crashlog please.

I take a look at audio long the rest is curious.


08-11-14, 09:53
Hi Trial,

i have now found a file that crash very often.
"MediaPortal>ddl.me>Filme>Doku>Scroll down>Deep Ocean-Gnadenlose Tiefe" played from streamcloud.eu
First and last crash come without press any key.
Crash two come after a short press "Audio".

08-11-14, 10:04
now i have play this file twice without crash. and next time come the Segfault after press "rec".
When i record this file and play it from HDD i can provoke no crash. :confused:

Now i make a full-backup and test this file under ATV-image.

09-11-14, 23:45
Now i make a full-backup and test this file under ATV-image.

After 24h OpenATV no one crash on my DUO2. also the problematic poor file cause no crash or Segfault.
Since 16.00 i have write back the Apollo 077 full Backup. Now at 23.30 the Box crash on normal view free-TV at a advertisement begins. No Segfault, but the same error as the streaming. No record in Background and HDD sleep. autoresolution is "off"

09-11-14, 23:57
How are you saving refresh rate in FIW?

10-11-14, 08:38
Last week at Multi. Yesterday i have set to 50Hz as it was recommended for Europe by the ATV-team and was placed last day in openATV.

10-11-14, 09:03
the long audio in MediaPortal I could reproduce. This problem I did not have since the beginning of 4.x. Could you post your video settings and the channel you are watching while it happened? Could you disable CEC?

The crash happens in:

if path.exists("/proc/stb/vmpeg/0/xres"):
f = open("/proc/stb/vmpeg/0/xres", "r")
video_width = int(f.read(),16)

and there should not be a problem with any VU. Was streaming, transcoding or PiP active?


10-11-14, 10:19
Videosettings are 720p, 50Hz, 4:3 Letterbox, >16:9 Letterbox
Channel must be RTL2 (SD) and no REC, Streaming, Transcoding or PIP active at this moment. also the remote control is not used at this moment

12-11-14, 09:31
Hi Lothar2,
I tred your settings for a while and used SD channel but was not able to reproduce it. I have an idea what might cause it but without the possibility to reproduce it a fix is hard to write.

The other problem with long audio in MediaPortal is gone with the attached InfoBarGeneric. Coudld you give it a try?


12-11-14, 11:47
Sorry trial,

i have now change to a other image without all my trouble and i will no more test at this time with Vix. The SD-Channel crash come only two times and i can not reproduce it any time, it come to sporadically. but i think the same trouble bring streaming media to crash. error massages often the same: "ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: '' or "ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
Vix at this time is very very good image or better i say it is the best image for VuDuo2, but to incompatible to 3rd-party plugins.
-WebMedia from feed wont install, see: Unable-to-install-WEBMEDIA-from-VIX-feeds (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?40973-Unable-to-install-WEBMEDIA-from-VIX-feeds)
-Mediaportal crash often at streaming a video
-cant install rtmpdump, so Mediaportal rtmp streams wont work (MyVideo, RTL-Now)

I think all have to do with following things:

I give openVix a new try at a later build.

best regards Lothar

13-11-14, 13:20
Hello Trial,

i have give Vix a last chance and install Apollo .080. The Audio-Button crash was not gone. But after change to your InfoBarGenerics.py now Audio-Button OK. :thumbsup:

You have also a solution for missing librtmp-bin on feed? :sofahide:

13-11-14, 13:32
I ask.
