View Full Version : VU+ Solo2 Keeping it in tip top working order/suggestions

04-11-14, 22:34
I have now had my VU+Solo2 for just over two months and during that time I can only report to the forum members that I am really pleased with my VU+ Solo 2 purchase and continue to enjoy this product and all of the added benefits this little powerhouse is able to provide (with the support of this forum).

With the added additions of the recently added HD Skins for the VU+Solo2 (plus other models) my overall experience remains extremely positive so a massive thank you to all of you who spend endless hours perfecting our overall viewing experience.

As a new and inexperienced user I am often calling on the help and assistance of all forum members who continue to help us all with any major or minor challenges we might come across and I have to say that I am mightily impressed with the support that I and many others have received and I hope that this support continues moving forward with new and exciting improvements.

I would like to ask if there are some basic day to day functions that can be used or adopted that helps keep this product working to the best of its ability, i.e. basic routine maintenance as this is in essence a software operated product I guess the most obvious tip might well be to keep up to date with the latest issued images as these images usually iron out any identified issues but I thought I would ask.

Thank you all


04-11-14, 23:14
your Solo2 should run fine for many years without any so called maintenance,the obvious things are making sure that it is well ventilated and that it dose not get wet :eek: :D

04-11-14, 23:39
your receiver will run fine with little to no maintenance but dont go filling it full of every plugin you find on the internet, keep only the plugins on it you use. I personally would also get into the habit of doing a fresh flash say once every month or two, that way you keep things clean and when something does go wrong which it will, you will know how to get backup and running again in a few minutes rather than a few hrs.

04-11-14, 23:55
What about cache flushing? Is this essential and what guides are about?

05-11-14, 00:00
What about cache flushing? Is this essential and what guides are about?
Never any need to do any cache flushing on any of my Solo2 boxes.

05-11-14, 00:06
I've just re flashed both of my solo2 boxes so i can get the full effect of the 71 hd image & i normally just online update without issues

05-11-14, 01:28
What about cache flushing? Is this essential and what guides are about?
Cache flush is only useful on low memory receivers and only then when they show signs of memory related issues such as the infamous memory leak on the original Vu+ Duo.

If you use it on a high spec machine or one without memory issues you will negatively affect its performance. The exact same is true of swap files.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

05-11-14, 10:50
Thanks Guys

Some really sensible advice to adopt which I will do.
I am more inclined to be the type of persons who's approach is less is best as pheonix pointed out " don't go filling it full of every plugin you find on the internet, keep only the plugins on it you use" I think this is really sensible.

I am thinking about placing my VU+Solo2 inside a purpose built hifi/home cinema cabinet and then to hook it up using a NEET IR 6 port receiver/transceiver, I would of course keep the VU+Solo2 really well ventilated along with my home cinema amp thats one point I would have to consider (heat build up)
