View Full Version : [Mut@nt HD2400] Bootloader for image?

02-11-14, 11:20
A boot loader for this image would be helpful?

in ..............


02-11-14, 11:28
Bootloaders are only released as and when the manufacturer releases a updated version, some receivers have never had a bootloader update some have many, it's not something we can control or have any say in.

02-11-14, 16:47
OK then - what's wrong with the image I'm trying to flash? I'm trying


All it contains as extracted here is ..................

* imageversion
* kernel.bin
* noforce
* rootfs.bin
* splash.bin

I'm not seeing a bootloader!

I've formatted a key to fat32 and copied the above to it and nothing happens on reboot

02-11-14, 16:53
You dont copy the individual files to the USB stick, extract the .zip file containing the image and you should see a folder named HD2400 copy that entire folder exactly as it is to the USB stick.

Also for the record, The bootloader is already flashed to the receiver in the factory, so you have no need to load it again until or unless the manufacturer issues a updated version, it is a very bad idea to have the bootloader in the same folder as the image, because if something goes wrong while flashing them you will kill the receiver.

look here for a full flashing tutorial for this and other ViX / ViX HD supported receivers.


03-11-14, 12:15
After my post above I'd more or less followed the instructions (no reformat of USB key) in the "how to" in your post above including copying the folder not the files as I'd worked out where the boot loader was.

I used the v71 image as above

I'd gotten as far seeing the message on the OLED saying “Image Found”, and had pressed the UP arrow on the front of the receiver to initiate the flashing process.

Left it to talk to itself for half an hour or so and it must have rebooted - and it was back in its loop.

I wonder where the corruption is - perhaps the driver for the USB wireless dongle did something or it downloaded something when it hit the internet?

Anyhow what next?

03-11-14, 12:17
Try a different version of the image build 070 for example.

03-11-14, 16:38
Yeah that worked - v71 needs a bit of a test on Mut@nt boxes methinks

03-11-14, 17:03
There's nothing wrong with build 071, just re-downloaded myself to check, re-flashed my unit and setup with zero issues.