View Full Version : No satellite on Tuner B!

31-10-14, 02:25
Hi all i have this strange problem where I can only get tuner A to work, everytime I go to tuner b I get an error message. I have had the box for a while now and it's been fine it was only because I was recording something I realised I had this problem.
I am on 070 I have tried doing a backup and install the image again, also going back to older backups but still not working. I tried a fresh install and that seems to sort the problem out so at least I know it's not a tuner failure! I would like to keep all my timers and settings so if anyone knows what could be the problem and how to fix it please let us know.

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abu baniaz
31-10-14, 02:41
Compare tuner settings between new and old images

31-10-14, 10:08
Hi abu nothing has changed that is the strange part!

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
31-10-14, 10:15
If a new image without restores is fine, then issue is with settings on older image. You can restore your timer file if you want.

31-10-14, 10:29
Here are some screenshots of the problem.
Is there a driver that can be uninstalled and installed again?


abu baniaz
31-10-14, 10:39
Upload your settings file form both images. It is located in /etc/enigma2/

31-10-14, 10:49
Ok just tried doing another restore and usually it comes up with an error message when doing so but this time there wasn't and its working fine now???:confused: Thanks for your help anyway.

abu baniaz
31-10-14, 10:51
I was hoping you would have uploaded the files so that we could learn from it and help others if they are in teh same situation.

Glad you are sorted.

31-10-14, 10:54
I will create the problem again and upload th settings for you :thumbsup:

Here is the error message that happens when trying to restore previous settings.

31-10-14, 22:03
The problem has started again!
Here is my settings file you requested.

abu baniaz
01-11-14, 00:05
I suspect this is the issue. I've seen it a few times where people select automatic for their tuner (which is automatic diseqc). This occasionally causes issues.


If you don't want to start afresh, you can try the following. Put enigma to sleep with init 4 telnet command. Edit the above lines so that you end up with


01-11-14, 00:06
Nice one Abu if it happens again I'll try this out 👍

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

01-11-14, 22:57
I tried what you said as i am having this problem again.
But this is what i am getting on telnet

root@vuduo:~# init 4 telnet
Usage: init {-e VAR[=VAL] | [-t SECONDS] {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|S|s|Q|q|A|a|B|b|C|c|U|u}}
root@vuduo:~# config.Nims.1.diseqcA=282
-sh: config.Nims.1.diseqcA=282: not found
root@vuduo:~# config.Nims.0.diseqcA=282
-sh: config.Nims.0.diseqcA=282: not found

abu baniaz
01-11-14, 23:03
Just "init 4"

01-11-14, 23:16
Same thing.

root@vuduo:~# init 4
root@vuduo:~# config.Nims.1.diseqcA=282
-sh: config.Nims.1.diseqcA=282: not found
root@vuduo:~# config.Nims.0.diseqcA=282
-sh: config.Nims.0.diseqcA=282: not found

01-11-14, 23:34
You're picking up Abus instructions wrong.
He wants you to edit your /etc/enigma2/settings file while E2 is sleeping.

init 4
to put E2 to sleep, then edit the file with a linux compatible text editor.

01-11-14, 23:45
Ah right! that will be why.
I should have checked really but never mind. All done now so i will let you know how it goes either way.

Thanks for both your help.


02-11-14, 09:07
Ok i still have the problem and now I'm even more concerned as my box was on this morning already and not on the channel I put it on!
There is a P/W on the box.
How do I backup and restore my auto timers do I just save the file?

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