View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Automate recording categories/bookmarks

26-10-14, 08:45
Is there a way to automate how recordings are stored

so for example they are saved under a directory which is the name of the bouquet the channel was in so any movies will be saved under a directory movie.

i know when you set up a timer recording you can state where the recording is saved but wanted to see if there was a better way and to automate this.

cheers bart

27-10-14, 12:38
I have seen this post below is this the closest I will get to what Im looking for with the use of Tags?


27-10-14, 13:12
Yes simply create new folders on your hard drive then add bookmarks to them , then simply select which bookmark you want your recordings to save to.. for instance on my hard drive I have (kids) (movies) (tv shoes) (comedy) (nature) (soaps) etc etc

28-10-14, 10:12
Sirius thanks for that info, Ive decided to go with that and its cleaned things up.

When setting a recording now Im going into the recording settings and then going to location and setting the location to record to.

is there an easier way to do this e.g. pressing a button that brings up the available record locations and I can set one to record to?

cheers Bart

03-11-14, 01:09
Not that I know of, but I have never really tried to be honest, I just simply set each recording to which ever folder I want it in.