View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Receiver freeze when record IPTV.

25-10-14, 19:43
Use Vu+ Solo2 + internal 500GB HDDwith Vix Apollo 023 image.
Everything working fine.
Mgcamd 1.38 and HbbTV plugins.
Watch and record SAT TV and IPTV.
IPTV bouquet look like:
#SERVICE 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a// Name


With all images up to Apollo 023 SAT TV/IPTV watching and recording working without problems.

From Apollo 024 and later starts problems when recording IPTV (tested latest Apollo 064 still same problem).
Now when recording IPTV can't watch early recorded programs. When recording SAT TV can watch early recorded programs.
At this moment when record IPTV program and want watch early recorded program receiver freeze and in right corner just turning VIX letters.
I waiting 5 minutes, 10 minutes - no changes, just freeze frame + turning VIX letters.
Receiver not accept any remote control signals, so I can't close Player, or change chanel and etc.
I must force restart receiver.
When restart receiver no log files found in LOG directory.

Roll back to Apollo 023.
Please check why never Apollo versions have problems wirh IPTV recording and watching early recoded programs.

Thank you

01-11-14, 09:40
Tested latest Apollo images (HD too), nice images, bus still problems with IPTV watching/recording.
SAT TV working fine (watching, recording).
Hope in future images peoples who create VIX images find and solve problems.

01-11-14, 10:04
Hope in future images peoples who create VIX images find and solve problems.
Hope in future images peoples who create IPTV plugins use legal methods.

01-11-14, 10:42
Tested latest Apollo images (HD too), nice images, bus still problems with IPTV watching/recording.
SAT TV working fine (watching, recording).
Hope in future images peoples who create VIX images find and solve problems.

When people create legal IPTV plugins we will look into adding more inbuilt support for them, but at this moment in time almost every single IPTV plugin is highly illegal and not something we would want to get involved with. Even the terrestrial streaming portions of the OnDemand plugin are on shaky ground as far as recording from them which is why we do not allow that option.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk

01-11-14, 15:29
About which IPTV plugins you talking?

Where is difference between SAT TV and IPTV streams?

Vix (and other images) fine records SAT TV streams.
Old Vix images too fine record IPTV streams (Except Timers. Timers not working, if want record IPTV must start recording now and enter finish time).

Most ISP sell IPTV packages (some use HTTP, some use RTMP and etc.)
I don't like my provider TV box and make userbouquet.iptv.tv and watch IPTV without IPTV box (direct via Vu+ Solo2).
This is very comfortable watch/record SAT TV and IPTV from Vu+ Solo2 box, use Vu+ remote control for TV and Solo2 (no need 2 boxes and 2 or 3 remote controls).

Old Vix images fine working with IPTV bouquets (record programs from HTTP streams, just not working timers and at all not recording RTMP streams)
New Vix images show IPTV (http and rtmp, but freeze when start IPTV recording).
I use Vu+ Solo2 receiver and don't know how working Vix images on other receivers.


12-11-14, 14:12
Just want ask. You still use email vixlogs@world-of-satellite.com ?
I posted some log files. Probably you find where is problem with HTTP stream recording.

14-11-14, 15:13
Please check log files. Maybe find why http streams freeze receiver.

For testing I use bouquet:

#NAME Favourites (TV)
#SERVICE 1:0:0:1:0:0:300000:0:0:0:http%3a//iptv.multi-net.ru/udp/



15-11-14, 03:01
When people create legal IPTV plugins we will look into adding more inbuilt support for them, but at this moment in time almost every single IPTV plugin is highly illegalPosibly, but many HTTP stream are not illegal.
I'd like to access the BBC radio streams (for "other" local radio stations), but can't get any information on what should be there (see another thread (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?40720-IPTV-SERVICE-definitions-in-bouquets)).
Although in that case I now know that the *.asx file is an HTML file that contains an mms link. But the mms link for the radio station doesn't work either.
mplayer and vlc are happy with either (although mplayer needs -playlist to use the asx file, and vlc insists on playing the mono broadcast through the left-ear only...)

15-11-14, 09:22
Hope in future images peoples who create IPTV plugins use legal methods.

..., but at this moment in time almost every single IPTV plugin is highly illegal and not something we would want to get involved with. Even the terrestrial streaming portions of the OnDemand plugin are on shaky ground as far as recording from them which is why we do not allow that option.

Highly illegal plugins? Is your mediaplayer in Win, MAC or Linux also illegal? In my opinion, are not the plugin illegal, but what the user do with it may be partially stand on shaky legs.
There's nothing reprehensible in this case if user at occupied tuners can look something IPTV. Most TV/Radio channels sends livestreams, we can lock MyVideo, Youtube, etc, why not? :confused:
I understand it even if obviously illegal content are not supported. But simple streams from legal sources should be tried to keep on running.
It is pity if the box crashes because two or more recordings running and you only want to look something MyVideo.

New Vix images show IPTV (http and rtmp, but freeze when start IPTV recording).
I use Vu+ Solo2 receiver and don't know how working Vix images on other receivers.

Here on Duo2 http ok, but rtmp i become not to play. I cant install librtmp-bin. Is not on feed and from other source will not install.
How do you do to run rtmp?

15-11-14, 10:01
I watch my internet provider IPTV (like TalkTalk TV). I not use ISP TV box and all TV watch on my Vu+ Solo2 receiver, because no need 2 - 3 separate remote controls, 2 boxes (SAT and IPTV) and etc.
Sorry I can't show my actual stream, because they are locked to my name and password.

There test stream:
This test bouquet fully working at this moment.

#NAME Favourites (TV)
#SERVICE 1:0:0:1:0:0:300000:0:0:0:http%3a//
#SERVICE 1:0:0:1:0:0:300000:0:0:0:http%3a//iptv.multi-net.ru/udp/

RTMP streams too working fine (rtmp recording not working), bouquet look like this:

#NAME Favourites (TV)
#SERVICE 4097:0:1:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:rtmp%3a//server.net/iptv/101?key=PASSWORD:TEST_3

Maybe peoples who create Vix images can add bouquet:

#NAME Favourites (TV)
#SERVICE 1:0:0:1:0:0:300000:0:0:0:http%3a//
#SERVICE 1:0:0:1:0:0:300000:0:0:0:http%3a//iptv.multi-net.ru/udp/

and test recording, playing, move playing and etc. Maybe you find who cause stream recording and viewing problems.


22-11-14, 20:03
#NAME Favourites (TV)
#SERVICE 1:0:0:1:0:0:300000:0:0:0:http%3a//

Please test this bouquet.
Recording not working properly.
Box crash when try record this channel and try watch another channel or early recorded program.

Vu+ Solo2
Problem with all Vix Apollo images from 024 version. Old versions up to 023 work fine, from 024 starts problems.
Want upgrade my Apollo 023 to latest HD image, but some functions not working properly.

29-11-14, 15:53
Tested Apollo 090 HD version.
Test IPTV stream (sorry on last my post I not changed ':' to '%3a', now test bouquet is fully working:

#NAME Favourites (TV)
#SERVICE 1:0:0:1:0:0:300000:0:0:0:http%3a//

IPTV play fine - everything working good.
IPTV recording working, but record incorect. When try play this video 2 second show video, 1 second go back, again 2 seconds show, again 1 second go back...
Timer look like:
00.00 - 00.01 - 00.02 - 00.01 - 00.02 - 00.03 - 00.02 - 00.03 - 00.04 - 00.03 ...
Normal video show:
00.00 - 00.01 - 00.02 - 00.03 - 00.04 - 00.05 - 00.06 - 00.07 - 00.08 - 00.09 ...
When try on same time Record IPTV programs and watch early recorded video - Solo2 receiver freeze.


03-12-14, 14:51
Tested latest image Apollo 096.
Still trouble with IPTV recording.
Bad recording quality and receiver freeze when try record IPTV and watch early recorded program.

#NAME Favourites (TV)
#SERVICE 1:0:0:1:0:0:300000:0:0:0:http%3a//


03-12-14, 20:58
Please test this bouquet.
Recording not working properly.
Box crash when try record this channel and try watch another channel or early recorded program.I tried this entry, just as I wanted to check on how to set up IP entries
For me, the (instant-record) recording works (although it was odd to see Jonathon Ross being talked over in a strange (to me) language.

I could watch another channel OK.

But, if I tried to watch a TV recording then either:

that quickly stopped, and I dropped back to watching the TV channel
I ended up watching the IP channel - and the recording started to break up at that point

I could, however, listen to a Radio recording.