View Full Version : How to install Dreamon iPhone app for WAN/WIFI/3G use Remotly

26-11-10, 23:58
First things first you need to get a dns address from dyndns or no-ip etc and set
that up into your router. Tutorials are avilable via the web as each router has
different ways of doing it. also a port needs to be opened any port but it musy be a
fresh unused port for the sole purpose of webinterface [webinterface users can use
that exact same port]

Once that is all done you will need to first setup your Vu Box.

A password to the box must be set for this app to work.
So lets get the password changer plugin,

Long press Blue on remote. Then Green to download plugins then extentions folder


Once downloaded. Press Menu, Setup, System, password changer.


leave the top 'old password' blank
and enter desired password below min 5 chars
Press ok.


Now that 1 third of the job done

Now you must setup web interface for new users [current webinterface users need not apply]

Long press Blue button scroll down to WebInterface


press ok to see this screen


please make sure it is set the way i have shown above adding the relevent port
number [in my case 20786]
press ok

if you see this screen just press ok its normal

Now you have 2 thirds completed, and working on the Vu+ is complete [the wife can have the box back for her channels].

27-11-10, 00:05
Download and open Dreamon 1.9 [Latest] £1.79 or $1.99 from app store

you need to touch more at botton right, then configuration, then add configuration

and then you will get the config screen.

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First Thing you will do is allocate a Name in my case Vu+ Duo 'Simples'

Now then remeber the dyndns/no-ip address and post you used? well you need that now

Enter the DNS address and post into the URL section with a : [colon] to seperate

port [no spaces]

then slide the 'anonymous' login' to OFF

Now you need you Password you set.

So you enter into 'user' root and 'password' what you set it before

you left so far with this but not complete.


Now set the system to Enigma 2


what you should be left with is this and your done dont need to change any more so

press done [not save]


Now press the 'test & save' botton bottom left



your all done mate here is the epg, hdd movie list, and timers all can be


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