View Full Version : openvixhd

18-10-14, 18:39

Some of you have already noticed the openvixhd builds on openvix.co.uk.

This was my initial ViX-HD build with a new 1080p skin that was developed, but required image changes to make it look right.

This has now been merged into the oe-a git and with openvix. this is why it took a while.

Most stuff has been reset from the vix-hd builds to match the original vix image, feeds and config wise. so they should be identical bar a few tweaks here and there.

Sample screenshots:-


Ignore the post text as most of it is irrelevant now.

Machines with the 1080 framebuffer supported so far are:-

Xtrend 8000
Xtrend 10000
Gigablue 800 SE PLUS
Gigablue 800 UE PLUS
Gigablue QUAD
Gigablue QUAD PLUS
Mut@nt HD2400
Vu+ Solo SE
Vu+ Solo2
Vu+ Duo2
Vu+ Duo
Vu+ Uno
Vu+ Solo
Vu+ Ultimo

If you plan to use it and find any bugs or things not skinned right, let me know, SCREENSHOTS speak more than words... :)
help me to help you.!

19-10-14, 08:48
Added Mutant HD2400 to the list.

29-10-14, 16:51
Added the Vu+ Solo SE, Solo2 and Duo2 to the list of currently supported receivers.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk

29-10-14, 19:52
What's the best resolution to use? I have a 1080p TV and a Duo2.

29-10-14, 20:04
I'm confused... can I still use the VIX-Night-HD with buid 70 on a Duo2?

29-10-14, 20:42
not on openvixhd

29-10-14, 22:26
so, when I do an update I automatically get openvixhd? or do I have to do a re-flash with openvixhd?

29-10-14, 22:28
reflash is needed

29-10-14, 22:34
so, when I do an update I automatically get openvixhd? or do I have to do a re-flash with openvixhd?

OpenViX and OpenViX HD are two separate image lines, you need to reflash if you want to switch between the two.

29-10-14, 22:38
ok, good, thanks. makes sense. just wanted to be sure.
but one more question: why are two streams needed? why isn't it just another skin?

29-10-14, 22:45
Because the ordinary skins are not compatible with the 1080 skins and vice versa, plus rossi had to tweak some code to get every thing working properly, which would have looked out of place in the base ViX image. Hence the two different image lines.

29-10-14, 22:50
I'm currently on openvix 070 on a vu+ Duo2,
If I install the openvix HD (A full clean flash via USB) Is it possible to do a settings backup from the openvix (Non HD) or do I need to reset everything up again from scratch?
Will the openvix HD work with the Blue HD skin?

OpenViX and OpenViX HD are two separate image lines, you need to reflash if you want to switch between the two.

29-10-14, 22:51
I'm not 100 percent sure but I would think a settings backup would work but dont quote me on that.

29-10-14, 22:53
Settings backup works just fine. BlueHD isn't compatible with openvixHD.

29-10-14, 22:57
BlueHD isn't compatible with openvixHD.

Not a bad thing in my opinion, If you want a sky uk themed skin, use a sky uk receiver (thats all i'm saying on that one LMAO).

29-10-14, 23:12
I totally agree buddy.

29-10-14, 23:19
well, i guess it's a matter of taste. as i would like to stick with the vix-night-hd skin, i'm gonna stay with the base stream.

29-10-14, 23:21
It's a great skin buddy.

30-10-14, 00:33
Really like the YouViX-Red skin, nice work Rossi.

30-10-14, 00:41
a settings backup will work from one to the other.

there are more colours coming soon :)

30-10-14, 01:44
@rossi - Online upgrade from 064 ViXHD to 070 just completed on my Quad Plus, but it's looping on boot. Didn't notice any automatic settings backup taking place prior to the online update :confused: Just about to look at debug log to see if I can see what's causing the issue.

crashlog says
[FONT] adding font /usr/share/fonts/youvix-b.ttf...FATAL: failed: Operation not permitted

30-10-14, 01:45
@rossi - Online upgrade from 064 ViXHD to 070 just completed on my Quad Plus, but it's looping on boot. Didn't notice any automatic settings backup taking place prior to the online update :confused: Just about to look at debug log to see if I can see what's causing the issue.

look in /hdd/backups/ to see if it created the settings backup (It should have as thats how the image is setup by default unless thats been changed in ViX HD).

30-10-14, 01:51
look in /hdd/backups/ to see if it created the settings backup (It should have as thats how the image is setup by default unless thats been changed in ViX HD).

No - it didn't do a backup. Normally, the standard image does a backup.

30-10-14, 01:54
No - it didn't do a backup. Normally, the standard image does a backup.

you can still activate that feature manually if its not already, as well as setting it to make a full image backup as part of the update process if required.

30-10-14, 02:09
No - it didn't do a backup. Normally, the standard image does a backup.
Every now & again the image back-up doesn't work, better to check the size of the backup created before trying to restore it.

30-10-14, 02:22
Downloaded 070 and USB flashed. Restored from manual settings backup of 064. All seems ok.

Will check backup settings for ViXHD in the morning - heading for the bed!

30-10-14, 03:58
I Installed OpenVix-HD Apollo 70 today on my Duo2 via Couch Flash and every thing is working fine with my Backup of Apollo 64 the difference is amazing I love it, I tried the Red skin but Surprisingly I prefer the Default Blue skin, the only thing that I am having problems with is watching a program in Time shift as their dose not seem to be a time bar so I can not see how long I have left, but it might be that I have not set it up correctly as I am using my default settings from previous Apollo backups
one other thing that I noticed is that when I did a back up of the Image and backup it just says vuduo2-Apollo.70 with no reference to it being the HD version, no big deal for me but I just thought that I would mention it, been watching some old recordings and they look great it could just be me but they seem clearer it could be mind over mater but they seem better to me
so all in all I am very impressed with this new version of vix :thumbsup: :D

30-10-14, 09:20
morning, hmmm regards the update, thats a missing font, ive been merging youvix-blue in with the skins_default skin.
strange why thats happened tho, all font are the in the right place as far as i can tell.

on timeshift, there is no bar, there are the times in bottom half of the numberzap box to indicate progress/remaining etc.

ive also been messing with the feeds to remove any incomptible plugins and things, so a load have been removed.
they can be made compatible and added back on user request.

30-10-14, 09:21
morning, hmmm regards the update, thats a missing font, ive been merging youvix-blue in with the skins_default skin.
strange why thats happened tho, all font are the in the right place as far as i can tell.

on timeshift, there is no bar, there are the times in bottom half of the numberzap box to indicate progress/remaining etc.

on your backup does it say openvixhd-apollo-duo2? or just openvix-apollo-duo2

ive also been messing with the feeds to remove any incomptible plugins and things, so a load have been removed.
they can be made compatible and added back on user request.

wtf double post! :)

30-10-14, 10:07
I appreciate that this is a lot more than a fine looking project, but it is a fine looking project. Very well done mate.

30-10-14, 10:20
My TV is't 1080p, just 1080i. Is it OK to use the HDimage? will I see any advantage? or am I better off sticking with the standard one?

30-10-14, 13:44
Any plans for time shift/recording playback bar, it is THE reason we don't use your other skins.

30-10-14, 13:49
My TV is't 1080p, just 1080i. Is it OK to use the HDimage? will I see any advantage? or am I better off sticking with the standard one?

you should be fine with a 1080i tv.

30-10-14, 13:50
Any plans for time shift/recording playback bar, it is THE reason we don't use your other skins.

timeshift/recording playback bar? screenshots plz

who is "we"?
first ive heard of people not using other skins becuase of a bar?

30-10-14, 14:01
will vixhd be available vu uno thanks

30-10-14, 14:04
no sorry only for the latest generation vu models at this time.
Solo SE, Solo2 and Duo2

30-10-14, 15:17
morning, hmmm regards the update, thats a missing font, ive been merging youvix-blue in with the skins_default skin.
strange why thats happened tho, all font are the in the right place as far as i can tell.

on timeshift, there is no bar, there are the times in bottom half of the numberzap box to indicate progress/remaining etc.

ive also been messing with the feeds to remove any incomptible plugins and things, so a load have been removed.
they can be made compatible and added back on user request.

It was fine on a full flash, so presumably something in the online update process went awry. Looks great with the new service and recording icons. Busy in the house with grandkids today, so will check out the logs and menus later for any missing pngs etc.

30-10-14, 18:55
on your backup does it say openvixhd-apollo-duo2? or just openvix-apollo-duo2
the 1st screen shot is my Image Manager folder with my Image downloads and saves and the 2nd one is my Backup Manager Saves Apollo 70 was saved after I had updated the Image

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30-10-14, 19:04
hmmm thats strange its not adding the distro name openvixhd to it and it looks like its been doing it since build 57 at least

i'll double check it, thx

30-10-14, 20:27
timeshift/recording bar?
You want me to provide you screenshots of a progress bar? You didn't seem to request them from nsw when he mentioned it a few posts back...
We are family, I ve got my wife and kids and me, and yes we really like the progress bar any everything we use so you can quickly visualise how long is left on a program, how far behind real time you are etc, vix night skin has it, xbmc has it our blu-ray player has it, our xbox one has it....

30-10-14, 20:30
i did not see nsw say the same, sorry.

there is remaining time on the right? for eg: +15Mins just next to the info icon.
no need for a progressbar and i cant see how to fit one into the design of this skin.

on timeshift, there is the progress time and remaining time under it too.

30-10-14, 22:04
I have aready said how much I appreciate this work but.......

I could not get my music player to work (Yamp) it just flashes on screen and then disappears without listing anything. No matter, its early days. However if you try to restore the last non hd image it displays restoration as normal but just brings back the hd image. Delete the hd image backup and it still brings it back so I am presuming that the hd image remains the default. Download a non hd image and it restores as normal including settings and plugins. All my backups are openvix.

Its not the end of the world and no animals were hurt. Just info including the fix.

30-10-14, 22:17
As some one who uses time shift a lot the lack of a time bar is a bit of a pain for me personally, I now keep overshooting the place that i want to roll back to, I suppose that I will get used to it eventually but it is just one of them things that I like to use, as it is easier in my own opinion than having to check the timing all the time as the progress bar is easier to see
even a progress bar like the one when watching a recording would be fine could it not be incorporated with the time box underneath the pause play box pretty please :D

38080 38081

30-10-14, 22:47
possibly, there is a different progressbar thats used in the job view screen that could possibly be used.

i will have a look

nsw, why is your remaining time like that on the moviebar and infobar? is that a different setting?

30-10-14, 22:56
Just noticed the URL on the info page points to the VTI forum, should it not be www.vuplus-support.co.uk (http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk) instead of .com ??.

30-10-14, 23:02
fixed in both images, ta

30-10-14, 23:05
i will update now in both vix images.

cheers, to be honest it's been so long since i used the old forum URL it took me a few takes before I realized why it looked wrong LOL.

30-10-14, 23:10
ye i never even tried them either lol
dunno if it might be best to just keep the wos url in there
there are a few different urls it will display depending on what box u got.

31-10-14, 02:28
nsw, why is your remaining time like that on the moviebar and infobar? is that a different setting?

the 1st image is a Recording I did last week and the 2nd image is just a time shift capture from yesterday so I don't know as most of my settings are still from Apollo 64

31-10-14, 08:29
Best to switch to WOS as better known then the orginal address.

31-10-14, 09:14
will this be available for technomate boxes or just vu? thanks

31-10-14, 09:16
No, manufacturer needs to enable Frame buffer in drivers and until done no 1080p skins.

Email time[emoji6]

31-10-14, 09:21
the 1st image is a Recording I did last week and the 2nd image is just a time shift capture from yesterday so I don't know as most of my settings are still from Apollo 64

hmm i think thats an extra setting, i will tweak those areas as on the moviebar its alittle bit squashed.

31-10-14, 09:26
I have aready said how much I appreciate this work but.......

I could not get my music player to work (Yamp) it just flashes on screen and then disappears without listing anything. No matter, its early days. However if you try to restore the last non hd image it displays restoration as normal but just brings back the hd image. Delete the hd image backup and it still brings it back so I am presuming that the hd image remains the default. Download a non hd image and it restores as normal including settings and plugins. All my backups are openvix.

Its not the end of the world and no animals were hurt. Just info including the fix.

i will put yamp on my to do list to make compatible.
i will look into the other issues, restore.

the blob
31-10-14, 09:36
will there be vix hd for the duo guys

31-10-14, 10:09
will there be vix hd for the duo guys

A list of all currently supported receivers is in post one of this thread as such.

Xtrend 8000
Xtrend 10000
Gigablue 800 SE PLUS
Gigablue 800 UE PLUS
Gigablue QUAD
Gigablue QUAD PLUS
Mut@nt HD2400
Vu+ Solo SE
Vu+ Solo2
Vu+ Duo2

01-11-14, 12:13
Morning All

Being using this new skin on my Vu+ Solo2 (image 70) for a few days now and still loving the overall experience, last night I hoping to watch a program that I had missed via the BBC I Player (on demand section) but sadly it would not load or provide me with any recordings to watch, is this a potential issue due to the installation of the new skin or I am just missing a trick, any help would as always be greatly appreciated and I apologies in advance if I have posted this request in the incorrect section.

Kind Regards

01-11-14, 12:15
The BBC iplayer is gone for the time being due to the BBC deleting their old feeds. It's not known how long or if it will be back.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

01-11-14, 12:23

Such a prompt response to my question, thank you.
That really does it explain in then in a nutshell, well at least I will be able to see it via the mac.

Kind Regards

01-11-14, 12:56

Such a prompt response to my question, thank you.
That really does it explain in then in a nutshell, well at least I will be able to see it via the mac.

Kind Regards

Hopefully it will be back but there is no way we can give a timeframe or any guarantees at this point in time.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk

08-11-14, 12:23
Morning All,

I have DUO2 feeding an external Lumagen XE video processor for up-scaling of SD channels and use Auto-Resolution plugin to reduce any processing performed by the DUO itself.

Like the look of VIX-HD - though one question I am guessing the auto-resolution plugin will not work as applying an HD skin to an SD feed will render incorrectly or has this been allowed for?

Many thanks

08-11-14, 15:00
looking nice

09-11-14, 01:14
Hi Rossi,

Beautiful skin mate:thumbsup:

Flashed the latest build on my duo and it looks really nice. Wanted to say Thankyou to yourself and the vix team, great work. :)

One small request (if possible) I do miss having the mini tv when looking at the epg or channel list, is it possible to integrate that instead of having the theme in front of what's currently showing?
Thanks again !

10-11-14, 08:13
will vixhd be available vu uno thanks
Vix HD is avaible on vu+ uno. I`am using it.

10-11-14, 13:46
This would look very nice on my tm t3 please please ?


10-11-14, 14:37
This would look very nice on my tm t3 please please ?


You would need to convince Technomate to activate the 1080 frame buffer in their drivers.

10-11-14, 17:00
hi, rossi,please added nemesis atemio image:)

10-11-14, 17:09
hi, rossi,please added nemesis atemio image:)

At the moment this receiver is not supported in ViX but even if it were it would still need support for the 1080 frame buffer from the manufacturer before a ViX HD image could be built for it.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk

10-11-14, 18:37
Is the Vix Night and Day skin going to get at HD uplift?

10-11-14, 18:38
Is the Vix Night and Day skin going to get at HD uplift?

Probably not but never say never.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk

10-11-14, 18:55
Is the Vix Night and Day skin going to get at HD uplift?

I hope so, I like rossi's skin but i think the windows are too small, when i browse my 14 lines in channel search (arrow down) i like to be able to clearly read, its a bit of a squint with the HD skin, and a couple of my plugins are not formated correctly that can make them a bit of a pain to use.

11-11-14, 16:32
Love the new Green skin very nice and the saveed backup now shows that it is HD Thank you rossi :thumbsup::D

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11-11-14, 16:36
you still have youvix-blue in your skins list, this should have been removed, hmmm
youvix-blue doenst exist anymore its now <Default>

11-11-14, 16:47
The Blue is your original vix HD skin mate working perfect did a restart and loaded it back in to check here is a screen shot


11-11-14, 17:11
Can I ask a question relating to the screenshot that nsw9154 has posted above.

Firstly I apologies in advance if my question should be posted in another sub forum.

I notice from the screenshot above that he has the channel name identification logo for each channel which looks good and adds to the functionally of these new skins from rossi, firstly what is the correct terminology/name for this type of channel name indent, and secondly is it something that we can all install running a VU+solo2 with the latest image.


11-11-14, 17:14
press menu in the channelselect screen and then find the option, enable picons in servicelist. set to yes
and there they'll be :)

11-11-14, 17:15
The Blue is your original vix HD skin mate working perfect did a restart and loaded it back in to check here is a screen shot


id recommend doing a fresh flash with no restores. youvix-blue shouldnt be there anymore.

11-11-14, 17:20
I hope so, I like rossi's skin but i think the windows are too small, when i browse my 14 lines in channel search (arrow down) i like to be able to clearly read, its a bit of a squint with the HD skin, and a couple of my plugins are not formated correctly that can make them a bit of a pain to use.

With your 14 lines showing press Menu and Settings and change the 3 font sizes to a value of 4.

I love the skin but my YAMP music player doesn't. It looks great with the larger font. Its the same with the EPG Guide.

11-11-14, 17:24
Rossi2000, thank you for your prompt reply.

For me its small learning steps and its just a case of getting used to the overall functionality of VU+Solo2, of course following the good advice given via the forum members is a massive thumbs up from me.

Rossi, I switched last night over from the light blue hd skin to the new red hd skin and for me it's working much better visually in term of reading the channel names from a distance guess the overall contrast works better for me - thank you for this alternative option.


11-11-14, 17:40
With your 14 lines showing press Menu and Settings and change the 3 font sizes to a value of 4.

I love the skin but my YAMP music player doesn't. It looks great with the larger font. Its the same with the EPG Guide.

i was going to skin yamp and make it look right but i tried to install it but got a load of missing modules
i'll try again, dont worry its on my to-do list.

11-11-14, 18:12
id recommend doing a fresh flash with no restores. youvix-blue shouldnt be there anymore.

Why would you want to remove the original blue I quite like it and might want to swap between the Green & Blue skins depending on what mood i am in :cool:

11-11-14, 18:31
Why would you want to remove the original blue I quite like it and might want to swap between the Green & Blue skins depending on what mood i am in :cool:

It has not been removed it's now the default skin.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk

11-11-14, 22:13
Will this be made up for the ET9000...????

11-11-14, 22:33
Loving the 1080 buffer this uses, makes the UI 10 times better.

Any chance on notifications being more discrete? like when a timer starts?

Like the navigation bar in a movie, if that was to pop up instead with the message inside?

11-11-14, 23:13
Will this be made up for the ET9000...????

im not too sure tbh.

11-11-14, 23:19
Loving the 1080 buffer this uses, makes the UI 10 times better.

Any chance on notifications being more discrete? like when a timer starts?

Like the navigation bar in a movie, if that was to pop up instead with the message inside?

do u mean the messages screens?
can you show me a screenshot of what you mean about the navigation bar in a movie please?

11-11-14, 23:52
Any chance on notifications being more discrete? like when a timer starts?

I personally like the large timer record kick in screen (& I usually hate large/obtrusive screens) & it times out pretty fast anwyay...
Going to be impossible to suit everyone's personal preferences.

12-11-14, 10:43
Hi rossi2000, I downloaded the hd by mistake yesterday. I have to say the new look is a breath of fresh air, big thanks. The only issues i have had so far is Tsmedia and dreamplex are really small when you run them, they play and stream normally. I am presuming that apps have to be re-skinned for hd..

Anyway great work, shame the standard vix image doesn't have nice skins like this.

12-11-14, 11:12
Dreamplex on the hd image has the hd skin set as default. It cant be small.

Tsmedia needs updating

12-11-14, 12:39
got news for miraclebox users gave them a shoot on fb and they are working for a fix to get 1080 . I hope we se apollohd soon on miraclebox

12-11-14, 12:41
maybe you could add redHD skin would be good to

12-11-14, 13:23
do u mean the messages screens?
can you show me a screenshot of what you mean about the navigation bar in a movie please?

Something along the lines of this, in keeping with the theme?

I personally think it is less intrusive and polishes the theme even more.


12-11-14, 13:45
Please if you change the positioning of the messages make the position configurable (top/center/bottom). As for us who use subtitling the bottom position is the worst... :rolleyes:

12-11-14, 14:17
that doenst look to bad, but the thing is alot of messages share the same screen, while that would look ok just for recordings, everyhting else would show up like that too.

12-11-14, 14:20
looking forward to using this looks brillant as always rossi

maybe one of my screens can be used with it or if not to worry as only made to see if good enough for maybe owner of vix image to use them

12-11-14, 14:32
that doenst look to bad, but the thing is alot of messages share the same screen, while that would look ok just for recordings, everyhting else would show up like that too.

This is what i'm suggesting, I just meant using the box from the recordings and placing the message inside. This was just the easiest example as i'm not at home next to the box

12-11-14, 15:42
Dreamplex on the hd image has the hd skin set as default. It cant be small.

Tsmedia needs updating

Just checked dreamplex it's small..Does it make a difference that i am using the latest plex beta and not the one from the openvix feeds? thanks

12-11-14, 23:52
ye it needs to be installed from the feeds.

please re-install from the feeds, its an exact copy of original dreamplex except for the hd default skin.

12-11-14, 23:58
oh and i just added YouViX-Purple to the feeds, will be in next build


13-11-14, 09:03
I tried a few of the colours last night have to say I think red is the best upto now, the dark blue is hard to read, but on my duo2 I find it a bit lagging, searching through a recording at 32x, if I press the forward button to quickly it freezes for a short while then catches up, it isn't as zippy scrolling through menus, and a couple of other freezy things I can't currently prove, could it be that the skin uses a bit more of the resources or the code needs stream lining even more?

13-11-14, 11:22
Hi Rossi, well done and thank you for the great work in making our passion even better. I really like what you have done and have no issues with screens etc except one. I know you can't please everyone, but us it possible you could look at making a few changes to the Epg, it's rather annoying not being able to see the TV when in Epg on other skins there was a little box top right which worked great, is this something you can implement? Also one other thing has come to mind, are you able to show now, next and next rather than just now and next?

Many thanks..

13-11-14, 11:34
[QUOTE=lgleave22;325310]Hi Rossi, well done and thank you for the great work in making our passion even better. I really like what you have done and have no issues with screens etc except one. I know you can't please everyone, but us it possible you could look at making a few changes to the Epg, it's rather annoying not being able to see the TV when in Epg on other skins there was a little box top right which worked great, is this something you can implement? Also one other thing has come to mind, are you able to show now, next and next rather than just now and next?

Hi lgleave, agree with everthing you say here, amazing work; i would also like to see the little picture..!

13-11-14, 11:57
I'm not sure if this is an issue with the skin, so apologies if its been posted in the wrong thread. When viewing recordings, if I hold down the forward button to forward 10 mins for example, the dialogue box to enter how many mins to forward does not appear. If I put a value of 10 mins in and press ok, it will skip forward 10mins. So the issue is the dialogue box is not getting displayed even though the functionality still works.

13-11-14, 13:05
I'm not sure if this is an issue with the skin, so apologies if its been posted in the wrong thread. When viewing recordings, if I hold down the forward button to forward 10 mins for example, the dialogue box to enter how many mins to forward does not appear. If I put a value of 10 mins in and press ok, it will skip forward 10mins. So the issue is the dialogue box is not getting displayed even though the functionality still works.

i fixed something like this a couple of builds ago,
could you show me a screenshot of where to do this?

13-11-14, 14:16
Ill try and post something later. Essentially, view a recording, keep forward button pressed on remote for about 3 secs. enter 10 (*no dialogue will appear), then hit ok and the recording should move forward by 10 mins.

14-11-14, 10:25
re-worked timeshift to include pts seeks and progressbar.


will be in next build

14-11-14, 10:42
Looks nice..

14-11-14, 13:06
Thanks Rossi..

14-11-14, 13:27
HI Rossi

Think it looks really good and only adds to the overall appeal of this skin - Thanks

Rossi, I notice from the screenshot above again the cool looking picon that is used (itv2) can I ask you the following in reference to the used picon above?

Is this type of channel indication only available for UK stations (via Freesat or is it also available for international channels, i.e. say German stations on 19e) and how can I obtain these for my own use?

I followed your previous instructions reference activating them (providing they are installed) you gave me the following instructions, while in the channel selection list hit menu/settings/show picons in service list/yes I did this but I forgot to mention to you that I don't believe I have any installed picons could you suggest a method of how to get these picons onto my VU+Solo2 system but only those that work 100% with your provided skin

Many thanks in advance


14-11-14, 17:36
Does my post not get a reply, it's been completely ignored whilst others answered. Sorry of this is completely unreasonable to request..

14-11-14, 17:51
Does my post not get a reply, it's been completely ignored whilst others answered. Sorry of this is completely unreasonable to request..
He already said in another reply that he was not going to have the TV preview screen in the EPG for these skins. Maybe in another some time but not in the YouViX skins.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

14-11-14, 19:24
Does my post not get a reply, it's been completely ignored whilst others answered. Sorry of this is completely unreasonable to request..

sorry sometimes i miss posts. but phoenix gave the answer now :)

14-11-14, 19:29
re-worked timeshift to include pts seeks and progressbar.


will be in next build

:D Thank you rossi now vixHD will be perfect :D :thumbsup:

14-11-14, 21:14
HI Rossi

Think it looks really good and only adds to the overall appeal of this skin - Thanks

Rossi, I notice from the screenshot above again the cool looking picon that is used (itv2) can I ask you the following in reference to the used picon above?

Is this type of channel indication only available for UK stations (via Freesat or is it also available for international channels, i.e. say German stations on 19e) and how can I obtain these for my own use?

I followed your previous instructions reference activating them (providing they are installed) you gave me the following instructions, while in the channel selection list hit menu/settings/show picons in service list/yes I did this but I forgot to mention to you that I don't believe I have any installed picons could you suggest a method of how to get these picons onto my VU+Solo2 system but only those that work 100% with your provided skin

Many thanks in advance


i use the picons from the openvix site
ocrams white are the best set to use for this, but in the feeds there are crokers which are equally nice too.

15-11-14, 13:29
i use the picons from the openvix site
ocrams white are the best set to use for this, but in the feeds there are crokers which are equally nice too.

What are used in the picture you put up? Red itv2 with no/black background?

15-11-14, 13:47
ocrams white shd picons

15-11-14, 15:09
new youvix keyboard in next build.
i decided to change the default blue window'd keyboard.


15-11-14, 17:01
I'm confused, should I be using this thread for HD skin issues or the one in the skin section ?

15-11-14, 17:58
skin section plz, i got mixed up on which post is what

15-11-14, 21:10
Hi Rossi.

Dunno if this is a bug or not. When I press down and lets say I'm in the Films Bouquet and I press EPG on lets say Sky Comedy, this gives you a 7 day guide on this one channel, on previous images I could scroll right to the end and then it would start from the beginning again, but with the hd image it stops at the end and doesn't start again.

Brilliant skin btw. :thumbsup:

15-11-14, 22:29

Thank you, I try to find them and then add them.


abu baniaz
16-11-14, 02:24
I am closing this thread. It is unworkable to list all issues in one thread. Please start a thread for issues.

Attaching debug logs, crash logs, screen shots and as full an exaplantion as possible will be greatly appreciated and assist in resolving issues.
Image name OpenVixHD and build number too please

Thanks for understanding.


abu baniaz
01-12-14, 17:47
Just to alert others to the fact openvix095 incorporates the 1080p framebuffer enhancements for the receivers that support it.

There will no newer uploads of OpenVixHD.

Rob van der Does
01-12-14, 17:58
This means that the 1080p skin (YouViX) will be available for download via the feeds of the compatible boxes.