View Full Version : Update my solo2

13-10-14, 18:58
Hi, I have a solo2 running VIX which was purchased from world of satellite and imaged by them around 4 months ago. To date I have not had to touch it as it works great but I would like to update it as tried to get a new skin over the last few days but the plug in menu option keeps saying feeds are down.

Reading the forums it seems that I may be on an old version which is no longer supported but I don't know how to find out.

I have read the forum on how to update the box which seems pretty straight forward so my question is ....

If I backup the box first does that backup store just settings or the whole current vix image. All I want to do is store my current settings and restore them rather than having to set the box up from scratch. Is that possible ?

IF someone can let me know where to look to find the current version as well I would appreciate it.


13-10-14, 19:03
Menu -> Information -> About will show you current image & build number.
Blue button -> ViX -> Backup manager will make a full settings backup
Blue button -> ViX -> Image manager will make a full image backup.

If all you want to restore is channel settings, use an app like DreamBoxEdit on a PC.

13-10-14, 19:15
Thanks judge... Under info and about is the version number to do with vix then as I thought that was a vu plus version. Mine says version 3.3.8 and build 008 .... Looking on the forum the current build seems to be around 43 so is mine really 008 with it being only 4 months old..?

Thank for the help though... Much appreciated

13-10-14, 19:20
Sorry forgot to say... All I want to back up is my cam settings and current skin... I presume all I need to back up the settings rather than image.... Thanks

13-10-14, 19:30
Does it say Apollo, Helios or Zeus?
More than likely Apollo as it had 008 built last June.
Any way, to update to a current image, you'll need to do a fresh flash.
What exactly to you want to save? just channel lists? any cams, plugins, config files?

13-10-14, 19:46
Hi says Apollo so spot on. Do you know what the current version of this one is ?
Re backups all I need to save is my cam info. The channels update themselves I think as I have never had to do anything with them. Ultimately I am looking to apply a new skin hence the update so not to bothered about anything else. I suppose I could always FTP the box, copy my cam files and restore them once the box is updated.
Thanks for your help.

13-10-14, 20:21
Build 54 is available on http://www.openvix.co.uk/
What cam are you using? that will tell us what you need to backup & from where.
You must be using the inbuilt ABM for your channel lists, no nice & easy there too.

13-10-14, 20:33
Hi using cam version 2.2.1, type newcamd. Does that help
As far as current plugins all I have are
Firmware update
Media scanner
Picture player
Transcoding setup

I think all I done when I got the box was to FTP my can file in and the test just worked... After I set up cross epg anyway :-)

13-10-14, 20:38
OK, just really need to back-up your Cccam config file so: /etc/CCcam.cfg
When you flash the new image, install Cccm 2.3.0 from the plugin feeds & restore the config file.
Might also be worth looking at the ViX manual: http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=Guides%20and%20Tutorials/&file=VIX%20Manual%20Vs%201.1.pdf

13-10-14, 20:46
Awesome, thanks for all your help. Much appreciated