View Full Version : Vu+ duo 2 vs solo 2, New box required.

12-10-14, 08:36
With christmas fast approaching I think its time for a new box, currently running a tm-twin which is a good box but would like to have something new to play with. What is the speed difference between the solo 2 and duo 2? I think both box's look nice and I don't think I need the 3rd tuner option on the duo as I don't even use the second tuner on the twin but what I am after is the speed as the box's are mainly used with tsmedia. What's the duo 2's speed like against the 3t from tm? The tm maybe out as I don't like the look of the 3t, The giga blue is a nice looking box but never really looked at that box.:confused:

12-10-14, 08:43
If you need transcoding and extra tuners go for the DUO², if not the Solo² will be just fine ;)
The newer TM's are good and cheaper :)

12-10-14, 08:48
The solo2 has been out a while now though I wanted something very new to play with, its a play with box not really a watching box. I also like the look of the new dreambox 7080 but thats nearly £500. ;)

12-10-14, 08:55
Dreamboxes are over priced and overrated :)

Solo² might not be exactly new but doesn't lack in features ;)

12-10-14, 08:57
Dreamboxes are over priced and overrated :)

And pretty much closed source these days too.

12-10-14, 09:10
Actually quite like dreambox's I have an orginal dm800 that I have just given to my son in his bedroom to use tsmedia, also have tm800, tm9100, and tm-twin but I like the styling of the duo 2 with the colourful screen. I've book marked the sponsors site for our lass to buy the duo 2 for me for christmas but just thought I would get some input as they all seem to be using the same 1300mhz broadcom chipset but the has lots more ram ect.

12-10-14, 11:12
There are other new boxes on the horizon apparently as good if not better than duo2 so worth checking them out as well.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

12-10-14, 12:51
Save your money and buy no Vu+ Box in case you want use VIX with online media.
You will only annoy you. Let you recommend a box from an admin which is fully compatible with VIX.

12-10-14, 14:33
There are other new boxes on the horizon apparently as good if not better than duo2 so worth checking them out as well.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Can you name the new box's coming either in the thread or pm me, even if there at beta test stage I would be interested if I could get my hands on them.

12-10-14, 15:26
You are crazy buying a receiver based on the speed of running tsmedia!! This can get shut down at any time, besides which generally speaking the speed is based on your Internet connection more than the receiver, both solo2 and duo2 will perform same for tsmedia

12-10-14, 15:54
..., both solo2 and duo2 will perform same for tsmedia

Yes performance is good, but compatibility with onlinevideo material (not only tsmedia) is poorly under VIX. From pheonix i must learn that SegFaults are VU+ driver owing. VU+ and Onlinestreams only good under Stock or VTI-Image.

12-10-14, 17:03
You are crazy buying a receiver based on the speed of running tsmedia!! This can get shut down at any time, besides which generally speaking the speed is based on your Internet connection more than the receiver, both solo2 and duo2 will perform same for tsmedia

Sorry you misunderstand me, I do not want a box that is fast simply based on how well tsmedia works, I want a box that is relatively new out and has the latest hardware for the moment. I already posses a 300mhz orginal dm800 and was give a beta test tm800, I have owned a 400mhz tm-twin for 2.5 years. Now I'm looking for something else to play with. The latest boxs seem to be based on broadbcom 1300mhz chipset such as solo 2, duo 2 and giga blue and tm3t. Stanman has said there maybe some new boxs on the horizon maybe they are running something new from broadcom, the new dreambox 7080 is one such thing that I don't now how fast it runs.

13-10-14, 22:14
duo 2 really you seems to me like you throwing your money in the... save your money and get duo 2 or tm /mircalebox

13-10-14, 22:55
duo 2 really you seems to me like you throwing your money in the... save your money and get duo 2...
??? :confused:

13-10-14, 23:50
If it's just a play box then a Solo2 would be fine or any DM box,

Fastest processor and max ram you can buy at the moment is a Duo2, this should be fairly future proof for a while and when ever the OpenEnigma crews actually do something decent rather than still supporting DM500 boxes and actually use the processing power of the newer boxes then you will be fine knowing that you'll be able to run what ever they release, however I'm guessing more likely a new OS by a new team or a hacked version of the new DM firmware will be released will hopefully move the scene along. (at the moment we are stuck in a limbo state supporting +10 year old boxes) So it all depends on what you want from your new box.

So if you just want to stream media , and I'm guessing media that may not necessarily be hosted on you Lan , my advice it to get any device that is compatible with XBMC or Plex (This rules out any Enigma based boxes if you are after true compatibility as DreamPlex is crap (see my note below) and XBMC Addons only really works with TM boxes and even then it will still have issues, so I don't count any Enigma2 box as a decent media player).

The way we all watch/stream media/tv is quickly changing and my feeling is that Enigma2 is no longer the right solution. It was created for the 7025 (going back over 8 years ago to the 2006).
This is before we even had smart phones (yes even before the very first Iphone was released). Can you imagine using the same OS base now on your new shiny mobile device, and run Symbian on it.

If you really want to stick with an Enigma based box then my current set up for Media / Streaming plugins are.

TSMedia (This is the main goto place for watching Media on your box, great support and ongoing dev)
Ruya IPTV (Great implementation of how it should be done, looks and feels just like an XBMC setup , however most providers are not cheap)
XBMC Addons (issues on most boxes, it's a true hobby project and while moving forward is no comparison to a true XBMC player)
DreamPlex (if you can get it to work , however even if you do ,it's only a client and is no good unless you have your own plex server set up)
IPTV List Updater (Can save to Bouquets which is a nice feature , however any chans saved will be out of date by the weekend and therefore useless , have to always run from plugin to get consistent working feeds)
MUZU.TV (Great Music video player, really nice and easy to use implementation)
Media Portal (Nothing really of interest here , seems pointless to me, move along)
OnDemand (Where is Channel 4 and 5, So it's an OnDemand play that only supports 2 of the main 4 , yeah right? , Good for BBC IPlayer I guess)

13-10-14, 23:57
(and no Vix with Plex is crap, so I don't count any Enigma2 box as a decent media player)


If you really want to stick with an Enigma based box then my current set up for Media / Streaming plugins are.

Ruya IPTV (not cheap)
XBMC Addons
DreamPlex (if you can get it to work , however it's only a client and is no good unless you have your own server)
IPTV List Updater (Can save to Bouquets however they will be out of date by the weekend and therefore useless , have to always run from plugin to get consistent working feeds)
MUZU.TV (Great Music video player)
Media Portal (Nothing really of interest here , seems pointless to me, move along)
Little to no support for viewing TV by illegal methods here, maybe time to move on?

14-10-14, 00:22
I knew my post would be a little controversial ,

Also I don't actually think I mentioned the viewing of TV by illegal means. I did mention non local media

However this could be like how NowTV/Roku has done which is great box that I own by the way and it has a nice easy to use UI and handles streaming great,
Also on a NowTV BOX you can install a Plex Client once you put it into Dev mode and then get some really good plugins, Also as Plex is a fork of XMBC you can also install most XBMC plugins on the NowTV box (amazing but true).

And as for
Little to no support for viewing TV by illegal methods here, maybe time to move on?

how about when Vix added code into Ondemand that allowed people to watch OnDemand while not in the UK (this is against every CatchUp services terms and yet it was added), this was only removed due to the VPN host shutting down and cancelling all accounts.

So while I know you try hard to both stay 100% legal and also give users what they want , it's a grey line sometimes. I must say I think that the teams do a really good job of staying on the right side of the law.
There was a time when even the mentioning the name of some Virtual Cams would result in bans on forums.

My main point was that the Scene is moving on fast , with more people now streaming than ever before and this means all kinds of streaming.
I've been in the Sat Hobby scene for over 10 years now I can remember buying a DM7000 on it's release week.

The Image teams work closely with the box makers and they together shape what we use and how we use it. I just think that Enigma2/OpenEnigma as an image base is reaching the end of it's current life , it needs either major update or a new team to come in and shake things up.

And yes I'm aware of the recent new base you moved to , however I'm yet to see one change due to the update that couldn't have been done on the older images, all of the changes seem build / or stability based. I could of course be very wrong and I actually hope that I am :-)

14-10-14, 00:45
I knew my post would be a little controversial
Posted just for arguements sake so? Ain't Nobody Got Time for That!...


Also I don't actually think I mentioned the viewing of TV by illegal means.
No, just 3rd party plugins that do.

And as for
how about when Vix added code into Ondemand that allowed people to watch OnDemand while not in the UK (this is against every CatchUp services terms and yet it was added), this was only removed due to the VPN host shutting down and cancelling all accounts.
It's perfectly legal to use a VPN in most countries, how you use it is up to you. Don't think anything has been removed in the plugin?

14-10-14, 01:13
OnDemand (Where is Channel 4 and 5, So it's an OnDemand play that only supports 2 of the main 4 , yeah right? , Good for BBC IPlayer I guess)

4oD was removed from OnDemand for the second time due to changes the service provider made specifically to prevent their use on such "unofficial" plugins, Demand 5 was beta tested but never made it into the public version of OnDemand due to DRM issues.

The Image teams work closely with the box makers and they together shape what we use and how we use it.

Believe me that is not the case, yes some manufacturers will happily work closely with image teams to get their receivers supported initially, but that tends to go out of the window the second they believe they no longer need the image teams support. (some of the more popular manufacturers are the worst companies to work with in these situations)

14-10-14, 01:16
The Image teams work closely with the box makers and they together shape what we use and how we use it. I just think that Enigma2/OpenEnigma as an image base is reaching the end of it's current life , it needs either major update or a new team to come in and shake things up.
A lot less closely than you might think & with some newer popular image builders releasing untested images on many untested boxes, the issue gets worse. Only does damage to E2.
E2 works as it should, some E2 image builders now trying to gain support by releasing images for shitty hardware.
Saying that, there's also decent hardware in the pipeline, hopefully the manufacturers employ some decent E2 coders any time soon...

Enigma2/OpenEnigma as an image base is reaching the end of it's current life
Not any time soon IMO.

14-10-14, 01:22
Believe me that is not the case, yes some manufacturers will happily work closely with image teams to get their receivers supported initially, but that tends to go out of the window the second they believe they no longer need the image teams support.
Exactly, they get a working image, they sign out. Presume we're Talking about the same Manufacturer.

14-10-14, 01:25
Exactly, they get a working image, they sign out. Presume we're Talking about the same Manufacturer.

yup and at least one other I can think about too.

14-10-14, 01:38
Okay thanks for the replies , very informative as always,

Hopefully didn't take the main thread too much off topic, and the OP might get some useful info about a box for his needs.

15-10-14, 20:39
With christmas fast approaching I think its time for a new box, currently running a tm-twin which is a good box but would like to have something new to play with. What is the speed difference between the solo 2 and duo 2? I think both box's look nice and I don't think I need the 3rd tuner option on the duo as I don't even use the second tuner on the twin but what I am after is the speed as the box's are mainly used with tsmedia. What's the duo 2's speed like against the 3t from tm? The tm maybe out as I don't like the look of the 3t, The giga blue is a nice looking box but never really looked at that box.:confused:

Take a look at the Mut@nt HD2400 here http://www.world-of-satellite.co.uk/Mut@nt

Awesome box, competitively priced Quad tuner http://www.world-of-satellite.co.uk/Mut@nt

Four individual tuner slots, so you can mix and match the tuners to what you like, superfast too.