View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Apollo 47 - HDD not seen

11-10-14, 18:34
Recently upgraded from Vix 3.0 to Apollo 47

All working , apart from i have a power timer set to go deepstandby from 2 am in the morning and wake up to standby at 7am

Firstly it wakes up whole box does not go to standby
Secondly after power timer it fails to see my HDD

If i then manually do a restart it then finds HDD

Anyone else seen this happen?

12-10-14, 07:23
God this is annoying - After every power timer problem occurs - does not see HDD
Please can someone look at this

12-10-14, 19:25
I assume you initialised the HDD after installing Apollo?

12-10-14, 20:00
God this is annoying - After every power timer problem occurs - does not see HDD
Please can someone look at this

I'm experiencing problems with HDD as well... :(

12-10-14, 20:55
Eventually I had to reflash as could not see HDD even after several restarts Brand new flash to version 54 initialised drive and problem still there after power timer

12-10-14, 20:58
Any plugins like TSPanel installed?
Enable debug logs & upload one when this happens.

13-10-14, 09:52
Any plugins like TSPanel installed?
Enable debug logs & upload one when this happens.

I have switched Off Power Timer.
How would it store a log file if it not seeing HDD ?

Can anyone else confirm this problem ? Just run a power timer. I using a Vu+ Duo

13-10-14, 10:02
I have switched Off Power Timer.
How would it store a log file if it not seeing HDD ?

Logs by default are stored on flash.

13-10-14, 12:19
Ok will try later when home

13-10-14, 19:54
Ok here is debug log after Power Timer .

my mistake HDD is found but only shows deleted items see below, All my recordings and folders not showing.37733

13-10-14, 20:16
i presume you clicked on that line to see if it changes:confused:

13-10-14, 20:18
Can you take a screenshot of Mount Manager & upload it please.
Looks like you have 2 drives that could be getting mixed up.

new Harddisk sda -> /dev/sda -> /dev/sda
new Harddisk sdb -> /dev/sdb -> /dev/sdb

14-10-14, 08:15
Hi judge. My laptop died so can't upload at moment. Did remove USB and did power timer and it worked so definitely clashing. With USB and HDD both connected checked mounts it said both mounted. What should I be looking for? Thanks

14-10-14, 13:31
I had a quick look at your debug log which says " there is not enough room for timeshift" from line 212 onwards and at your screen grab which shows the deleted folder at 40MB which is 67% of available disk space. So something seriously amiss with regard to the size of your hard drive. I suspect that the USB stick is actually mounted at /media/hdd rather than your hard drive, which may be the issue.

As judge pointed out you have two drives /dev/sda and /dev/sdb so I would concur that there is some mix up there. You need to let the box initialise your hard drive without the USB stick being inserted and you would need a minimum of 250GB allocated for recordings and occasional timeshift, but the more the better. Picons are being stored on your hard drive (or your stick - can't tell) also and that is not a good location as the box will have to spin up your drive to display new logos when you change channel. They are better off on a USB stick or ideally on the box internal flash if you have the space.

14-10-14, 18:51
37753I did initialise HDD.. Then installed the USB which has my Picons on
Very puzzled.. Yes the USB seems to be clashing but why? Never had issue before
Help please

14-10-14, 19:07
Use Mount Manager to unmount both devices, then mount again pointing to the correct locations.
Do an E2 restart afterwards & let us know if it fixes your issue.
Also, you haven't answered if you have any plugins like TSPanel installed.

14-10-14, 19:39
Not TSPanel but TSMedia
Unmounted USB but wont let me unmount HDD says being used as swap or record
Tried to delete in record setting but wont let me?

14-10-14, 20:03
37753I did initialise HDD.. Then installed the USB which has my Picons on
Very puzzled.. Yes the USB seems to be clashing but why? Never had issue before
Help please

Your picons are definitely mounted on /media/hdd (not /media/sdb1) according to your debug log. Can you re-boot the box without the USB stick and post the log? I would also suggest you go into the Info screen and post the Devices information.

14-10-14, 20:14
Not TSPanel but TSMedia
Unmounted USB but wont let me unmount HDD says being used as swap or record
Tried to delete in record setting but wont let me?

Sorry, didn't see screenshot when I replied.
The HDD wont unmount if it's being used, timeshift enabled? recording? swapfile?
Try mounting the USB as /media/usb & save. Do an E2 restart then.

14-10-14, 21:14
judge that did the trick mounting USB as media\usb
Thanks All who helped