View Full Version : [TM-TWIN-OE] Just a quick question on Bootloader version

06-10-14, 18:33
My kernel is 3.9.7
Drivers: 2014-07-11
Last update: 2014-08-12

Is this right after flashing the latest bootloader? Can't bloody find the screen shot I took of my old version, thanks a lot for help on this.

abu baniaz
06-10-14, 20:51
The details you have posted are nothing to do with the bootloader. The only way to know for definite what bootloader version you have, is to get a serial bootlog.
If you are in doubt, flash the latest one given to us in the Bootloader section of openvix.co.uk

06-10-14, 20:58
Sorry to fall in but I see that the bootloader for DUO2 is from september 2014.My box is older but boots with V2 in the VFD display . Do I need to flash or is that the same version ?

abu baniaz
06-10-14, 21:00
Check the bootloader section an you will see the latest one we have for your receiver.

06-10-14, 21:02
I think I am in the same boat as Bellejit and Ghostleader - my bootloader has not been updated for yonks.... SInce we had to do the new bootloader with the image change a while ago.

Is it wise to re-flash the bootloader? Can this be done via telnet?

Not hijacking - just asking similar questions on the same thread.



abu baniaz
06-10-14, 21:14
When required to, you flash same as image. You can do bootloader individually.