View Full Version : [XP1000] advice & help

04-10-14, 09:19
I recently saw that I need to re-flash my maxDigital XP1000, in order to get the software & plugins working again. I've tried to re-flash the box, pressing ether the CH- or CH+ neither seem to work......... any ideas anyone.

But before you answer I'm not sure if it down to the USB I'm using. I saw that on some saw use no more than 8GB, but I have always had a Rakuten 64GB in the box of the box. Would this be the reason maybe. If it is then I do have a Kingston 8GB, which I've never used so would need to use the format HP tool to get it on FAT32, and if this is the USB I need to use, does it matter if the format is a full format or the option for a quick format.

Either way if these USB's doesn't don't matter, then any ideas why I can't re-flash the box.

any ideas would be greatly appreciated

thank you

04-10-14, 09:22
Why not "couch flash"?

04-10-14, 11:41
hi thanks for your reply, but what is couch flash??

04-10-14, 13:20
Use the box to download and flash the image.
Blue button - vix - image manager.

04-10-14, 14:05
I have or think have now re-flashed he box, how can I tell if it has worked, also I have followed your instructions, and the downloads, doesn't bring up the latest download on the openvix openvix-Apollo.041-xp1000max_usb.zip, on my box the nearest of the Apollo.037

04-10-14, 14:15
Menu - information - about will tell you the current build you are on.

04-10-14, 14:26
looks like its sorted thank you very much. build now says 041. and can also update seems fine. thank you