View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] Flashing problem with USB sticks.

04-10-14, 02:51
I have an oddity when re-flashing.
The instructions (for a Miracelbox Premium Twin) say to put a USB stick into the front slot.
But I already have a USB stick in the upper of two slots at the back (for picons) - and it seems that this prevents the front USB stick from being looked at, so no re-flashing gets done.
I can remove the back stick before booting and re-insert it once the loading starts, but can't the boot code specifically look at the front slot, or all USB slots?
And if this can't be done then this needs to be mentioned in the documentation!

04-10-14, 03:10
When loading vix via USB then all other usbs should be removed from box. Assume its the same in your case

04-10-14, 03:53
Yes - thanks.
I've (just) noticed that this is mentioned in the VIX manual ("Make sure no USB devices are plugged into the receiver at this point."), but not in the instruction book that comes with the box!