View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Picture viewer shows wrong orientation

03-10-14, 21:13
picture viewer sometimes shows wrong picture orientation although the same picture is displayed correctly on the pc.

06-10-14, 16:25
looks like exif data are not interpreted correctly by plugin.

04-02-15, 14:10
this problem doesn't seem to be of big interest to anybody.
as i haven't found any viewer that displays portrait orientation correctly I'd like to have a look at the source of the picture viewer used in vix images... can anybody point me to the svn/git where I can find it? thanks.

04-02-15, 14:22
the source is here:-

04-02-15, 15:00
thanks rossi.
just quickly browsing thru picload.cpp it looks like there is no function at all for rotating a picture if portrait. :confused:

04-02-15, 15:11
Im not sure about it tbh. But ye it sounds like there is no function for it. Maybe a little job for you to add it? :-)

04-02-15, 15:35
well, piece of cake :eek:
the problem seems to be that jpeglib doesn't have a rotate function. libjpeg would. there are probably copyright reasons why jpeglib is used instead of libjpeg..... :confused:

04-02-15, 16:19
i dont think there are any copyright stuffs for libjpeg.

04-02-15, 16:54
well, piece of cake :eek:
the problem seems to be that jpeglib doesn't have a rotate function. libjpeg would. there are probably copyright reasons why jpeglib is used instead of libjpeg..... :confused:
this was nonsense. libjpeg supports rotation. jpegtran.c contains code to rotate jpegs. it's just a matter of including it. :)

07-02-19, 13:07
Has this jpeg orientation problem addressed yet? I'm also having the same problem whereby photos are not auto-rotated even if I alter their exif Orientation value to force it to do so.

07-02-19, 13:10
... it's only been 4 years, give it time.:)

08-02-19, 00:04
He, he, quite - I didn't mean to rush things. :)