View Full Version : solo 2 channel list

03-10-14, 17:25
just purchased solo 2 from wos flashed with the vix image, hope to get it monday.
i have read a lot of the guides on here already which hopefully will help me later on.
are you able to download a channel list using the remote with vix image or is it easier to download a channel list using pc.
can anyone recommend a motorised list mainly for 28e, 19e, 13e, 1w
any help appreciated

03-10-14, 17:33
Tey vhannibal mate

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

03-10-14, 17:55
If it comes with image preloaded, it will more that likely also have a multi-sat channel list loaded.

03-10-14, 18:08
The inbuilt AutoBouquetsMaker will do 28.2E for you along with some providers on 19e & 13e.
Also as Stanman says, you could try vhannibal settings available in the plugin feeds.

03-10-14, 18:54
thanks for the replies guys

03-10-14, 19:08
While you're waiting for the box, there's an excellent ViX manual on http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=Guides%20and%20Tutorials/
Worth reading...

03-10-14, 19:51
cheers judge. just what i need

While you're waiting for the box, there's an excellent ViX manual on http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=Guides%20and%20Tutorials/
Worth reading...