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View Full Version : How to use Putty for Unix/Linux commands

abu baniaz
01-10-14, 22:45
A pictorial guide on how to use Putty for Telnet commands

You can download Putty from


You can right click, then paste the command to avoid errors!

Some commands:

Show storage devices, filesystem and type

df -Th

Put enigma to sleep (required before deleting files normally re-written at restart such as epg.dat)

init 4

Stop Enigma2 and then restart in console mode with debug

init 4 && ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=4 /usr/bin/enigma2

Stop Enigma2 and then restart in console mode with debug( On PLi, you have to issue as two separate commands)

init 4
ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=4 /usr/bin/enigma2

Stop Enigma2, restart and write debug log to /hdd
(Will still work if you only have a USB stick connected)

init 4 && enigma2 &> /media/hdd/Enigma2_debug_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).log

Set a Pasword


List available updates

opkg update && opkg list-upgradable

Perform an update

init 4 && opkg update && opkg upgrade && init 6

Check who is connected to your receiver.


Show your tuner configuration. This will also create a file in /tmp/ called "mytunerconfig.txt" Upload/attach it to your thread if asked to.

cat /etc/enigma2/settings | grep config.Nims > /tmp/mytunerconfig.txt

Find box details

grep -r "" /proc/stb/info

Force stop Enigma2 then restart it

killall -9 enigma2
init 3

Flash by command line using ofgwrite. Unzip image and transfer to receiver first.

init 4
ofgwrite -r -k /folder_of_unzipped_image

Flash by command line using Grog68's script. Requires boxbranding, so will not work on PLi, ATV 7.0. This will not create a settings backup.

wget --no-check-certificate -O installvix.sh https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hc2cdr116lvx3dj/install_vix.sh && bash installvix.sh

List number of vtuners

python -c "from glob import glob; print(len(glob('/dev/misc/vtuner*')))"