View Full Version : Mount network share

01-10-14, 11:42

Apologies if I am asking an obvious question here but I tried to find the answer and none of the suggestions I found work and some don't even make sense because in the image I use (Apollo 041) the option does not even exist.

I am trying to use the directory (named "TV") on my NAS that I used before with the old image to record to and save backups/images on. I have set this up as follows:

Setup>System>Network>Mounts Setup>Network Browser>it shows the NAS and the TV directory although this directory has a weird IP address listed immediately below it (not the ip of the NAS. I have no idea where this comes from)

When I pick the TV directory Setup>System>Network>Mounts Setup>Mount manager>Mount points management shows:
Diskstation, Dir volume1/TV with under Mount Information the correct IP address and Active is ticked green. The mount settings are:
Mount using: FSTAB
Active: enable
Local share name: Diskstation
Mount type: NFS share
Server IP: correct
Server share: volume1/TV
use as HDD replacement: yes
Mount options: rw,nolock,tcp

But it just doesn't work. When I go to either Backup manager or ImageManager I am told "Device there was a problem with this device please reformat". No device is actually listed. When I try to access my old recordings I just get a blank screen. If I then try yellow/location and choose the /media/hdd/movie path I am told it does not exist.

BTW, what surprises me about these settings is that I am not asked to supply a Username and password to access the NAS.

Any suggestions on how to go about setting this up properly would be appreciated.

01-10-14, 11:58
are you sure you do not need to use CIFS as share instead of NFS ?

01-10-14, 12:18
I tried CIFS as well; it made no difference.

01-10-14, 14:22
On the remote possibility that it might be the image, I installed Apollo 040 instead. Same problems. Then I thought I would just restore an old image using a USB stick (fat32 formatted) with backup images. I started Vix> Image Manager, selected the right image and started. The ofgwrite Flashing tool came up, partially completed the "Flashing Rootfs" and then gave an error message in red "Error remounting root!". Nothing worked thereafter. Although I have read warning about switching of the power when rebooting I did so anyway (what else could I do) and fortunately Vix started normally.

What could be going on? I am talking about a completely fresh install of a recent image. Why isn't my NAS folder recognised by the ssyem as the replacement harddisk and why doesn't the image restore work?

02-10-14, 20:50
I am glad to say, I managed to solve this problem, although as so often I am not 100% sure what ultimately did it. One of the things I tinkered with is the path because although I was able to set and the disk would mount, I would get messages that it could not be found when I tried to use it. So I went back to my Synology NAS and noticed in the permissions section a tab called NFS Permissions. I explicitly gave the Solo2 (identified by its IP address) permission and when I later tried to access previous recording it suddenly worked. I may have done the same thing a year ago when I first got the Solo2, but I can't remember.

Now all I need to figure out is how to go into deep standby when I press the off button.

02-10-14, 20:55
Now all I need to figure out is how to go into deep standby when I press the off button.

Menu -> Setup -> System -> Button setup -> Action on short power button press = Immediate shutdown.

02-10-14, 20:58
To go into deep standby hold the power button on the remote for a couple of seconds and then a menu appears with options for
Restart GUI
Deep Standby

02-10-14, 21:06

02-10-14, 21:19
you were not alone with the cifs/nfs issue mounting issues:D

03-10-14, 10:28
Ah, thanks a lot. If only the developers had called a spade a spade! To call it deep standby at one point and then expect us to realise that "immediate shutdown" is the same thing, is a little optimistic.

03-10-14, 12:40
Ah, thanks a lot. If only the developers had called a spade a spade! To call it deep standby at one point and then expect us to realise that "immediate shutdown" is the same thing, is a little optimistic.
LOL, the developers aren't proof readers & also work for free.

What did you think deep standby/immediate shutdown would do?
Anyway, if you think it's an issue, submit a bug report or feature request. Should be an easy fix but not high on priorities...

07-10-14, 08:39
It is not a big issue I was merely pointing out an inconsistency in language. "Immediate shutdown" says absolutely nothing about "deep standby". If it suggests anything, it is underlines the speed of the shutdown. "Shutdown" is switching off and since the VU always goes into standby except when you physically engage the switch at the back there is no reason to assume that one shutdown is more thorough than the other unless you say so. "Deep standby" is a pretty good term because it explains what it does. "Immediate shutdown" says nothing about the nature of the shutdown except that it happens "immediately".