View Full Version : [ET5x00] restore backup on apollo 041

30-09-14, 20:20
Hi Guys,
Just want a bit of advice really, I have just updated to apollo 041 with a complete re-flash and when I restore my settings it gets to 30% then a message pops up saying
"a back ground update check is is (think that should be in) progress, please wait for retry" it flashes this message about half a dozen times then continues with the settings restore.

I just want to understand what this means exactly and will it cause me any problems in the future?

If someone could enlighten me I would appreciate it.
Just so you know it does eventually complete the settings restore and everything seems to be OK.

Also when it got to installing the plugins from the backup, it popped up with "feeds are down at the moment" which I understand, just wondered how do I tell when they are back up? or do I just keep checking randomly.

thanks guys

30-09-14, 21:21
feeds are fine . i did have problem today . but its to do with orcam picon server being down which is causing problems on the feeds. ftp to etc/opkg and delete or rename file orcam-feed.conf file. then try the feeds or restart and try feeds. worked for me

30-09-14, 21:52
cheers will give it ago now.

30-09-14, 21:57
feeds are fine . i did have problem today . but its to do with orcam picon server being down which is causing problems on the feeds. ftp to etc/opkg and delete or rename file orcam-feed.conf file. then try the feeds or restart and try feeds. worked for me

yep all good again.

Thanks Naz