View Full Version : the tension is killing me

25-11-10, 00:49
I know you got bombarded on 1.2 as we all agree there were some minor things that needed to get sorted. But now you refuse to tell us when 1.3 will hit the street. The stress of the announcement is close to the stress associated with the EUR 85 billion Irish question. Man I'm crackin. Will the new version require a bailout? Do we have the money?

25-11-10, 00:57
Sorry fitannel but a date not only will not be disclosed but any one asking will be frowed upon by the admins

as andy has stated it will be ready when it is ready

i would not be surprised if this thread is deleted

25-11-10, 01:04
It was a funny OP though ;-)
Maybe it's an Irish thing.

25-11-10, 01:06
Vix 1.2 is working great for me ( and my mrs lol ) So why rush him ?

25-11-10, 08:35
Wont be long. Patience is a virtue.

25-11-10, 11:02
If every body had to pay Andy for his work on VIX 1.3 how many people do you think would say i want to pay NOW!.

25-11-10, 14:18
Moved this to the discussion section ;) And since you mentioned 1.2/1.3, it went in the duo (started to wonder which one to put it in :p)

Plus, if you give us €85million, then it's yours by this afternoon ;)

25-11-10, 14:52
It would have to be a cheque as i dont carry that amount in cash.

25-11-10, 15:19
It would have to be a cheque as i dont carry that amount in cash.

OK, well since cheques can take up to a week to process, then it'll be another week before it can be released to you then :p Make the cheque payable to: VIX_Team_Share_it_equally :p hehe

25-11-10, 17:20
in that case i would like to be part of your team ;-)

25-11-10, 17:22
in that case i would like to be part of your team ;-)

The joining fee is €10million, (€5m made payable to me as a referring fee, and €2.5m each to Sic & andy) :p

25-11-10, 17:35
The joining fee is €10million, (€5m made payable to me as a referring fee, and €2.5m each to Sic & andy) :p

:roflmao: Made payable to the VIX bank account looked after by ME :D

25-11-10, 17:39
:roflmao: Made payable to the VIX bank account looked after by ME :D

Hey you, no taking my cut... :p

25-11-10, 17:40
Hey you, no taking my cut... :p

I might bung ya 50 quid if you behave :p

26-11-10, 00:15
then i'll hold the image as ransom :roflmao::roflmao:

26-11-10, 00:27
and what about all those gressed up beta testers that hack away at there boxes to make sure its actually working the way it should :lol3:

26-11-10, 19:22
well they could invest in Irish bonds but can't say its terribly advisable at the moment :-). anyway, silverfox, take your point, just lightening the mood a bit. been a bad week to be irish

26-11-10, 20:23
agree with you there mate not the best week to be irish - saw paddy power this week offering same odds for ireland winning the 2014 world cup as for ireland coming out of recession by 2014 :)

27-11-10, 12:38
I'm more than happy with 1.2 ....now if I could get my head round e2skinner and notch up some mods to a few skins I'd be over the moon. 1.3 whenever ....hats off to the VIX team coders and testers!

27-11-10, 14:37
I'm more than happy with 1.2 ....now if I could get my head round e2skinner and notch up some mods to a few skins I'd be over the moon. 1.3 whenever ....hats off to the VIX team coders and testers!

what the problem you having ?

27-11-10, 18:38
agree with you there mate not the best week to be irish

Looks like I left Ireland at the right time then :)
Great place, great people, run by idiots!!!!!!

27-11-10, 18:45
Looks like I left Ireland at the right time then :)
Great place, great people, run by idiots!!!!!!

I thnik you can say the same for most places at the moment.
What really pisses me off about all of this is the SOB bankers got us into this mess but they have no shame and continue to award themselves silly bonuses.

27-11-10, 19:04
I thnik you can say the same for most places at the moment.
What really pisses me off about all of this is the SOB bankers got us into this mess but they have no shame and continue to award themselves silly bonuses.

what gos around comes around stanman they will see what they have done and suffer in their own way one day

27-11-10, 19:15
While I hate the bankers as much as the next person, they didn't get us into this mess, our own greed did.

The biggest factor in all this has been house prices.

The only people that make any money out of the stupidly high prices are property developers (most of who seem to be mr & mrs average who have watched a couple of TV programs) and estate agents.

Virtually all the mess can be put down to that one thing.

To give an example, I live in Gorleston, just next door to Gt Yarmouth in the UK. When I moved here in 2000 you could still buy a 3 bed terraced in parts of Gt Yarmouth for UNDER 20k. I paid £53k for my 4 bed house.

My house was valued at £140k for re-mortgage purposes 4 years later.

You now cant but a house under 90K.

While it's still cheaper than a lot of the UK, the simple fact remains that 10 years ago a couple where say the husband worked in B&Q, the wife worked say in one of the many seasonal jobs, they could still easily afford to buy their first house.

Roll on 10 years, the jobs have got scarcer, the wages have dropped to always min wage at most places, often there's only part time work now offered and rather than needing to save a 10% deposit of say 2K and have a 18K mortgage, now you would need to save 9K and have a 81K mortgage, completely impossible for most people especially as the rental market has crept up in line with house price rises.

So you end up with a load of people who cant get a council house, renting costs as much (and in some cases more) than buying would, but they don't earn enough to get a mortgage. Hence the huge growth in the sub prime market.

People got even more greedy, buying 2nd and 3rd houses to quickly make a profit on and of course such stupidity cant continue for ever.

We now have a lot of people out of work, the benefit system is having to pay 10 times what it had to 10 years ago to help those out in private rental accommodation at the tax payers expense.

The entire financial world is screwed because of it.

If house prices had remained static (individuals weren't greedy) then we wouldn't be in this mess. I hear from my Irish friends that in places like Dublin, the house price market was even more ridiculous.

So really we as a society only have ourselves to blame.

Go on the site below and look up a few streets near where you live. See how often you find the same house being sold say 1 - 3 years apart at 80k+ more


27-11-10, 19:25
Ojustaboo to an extend I agree with what you are saying but it was the irresponsible lending of the banks that fueled the property market.
To give you an example, I am on a pretty decent salary, about three years ago I was looking to buy a 2nd property and went and saw a new development. When he did the sums, there was no way I could afford the property if the interest rates went up yo 6 - 7% as they traditionally were in my memory. The guy went through various options and one of them was the self certification mortgage - I could basically say whatever I earn and they would accept it but obviously charge 0.5 or 1% more than the other mortgages - it was this sort of irresponsible lending behavior coupled with the packaging of bad debt that got us into this mess - you can't blame the average person for wanting to better their situation. Needless to say I walked away.

27-11-10, 19:34
That pretty much sums it up stanman if the bankers had been more responsible about who they lent to then things would not have turnt ugly

yes ojustaboo its man greed that causes problems but ultimatly it what you make of that greed that determins its destructive nature

And as long as the banks feuled that greed the apitite grew as stanman said alot of ppl went with the self cert mortgage and cant pay it back
THe banks needed to scrap the self cert mortgage and screen ppl better

27-11-10, 19:42
And the government/ papers etc (in my opinion) needs to stop looking at house prices starting to increase again being in any way shape or form a good thing.

We self certified, was the only way we could get our mortgage, not because we didn't earn enough but because of not being self employed long enough to have enough acceptable records.

So it actually helped us but as you say, if the banks had better screening, an ounce of common sense, had a human you could show your income/outcome for the past year too etc that could see that your no less likely than any person employed by any company to not be able to afford your payments, then we wouldn't have needed to.

Had we waited until we had enough records, we would have needed a mortgage 3 times the size.

I know people that have not only had self certified mortgages, but had their partners benefit included and their child benefit included even though their children would be leaving school within 3 years???

27-11-10, 20:05
I dont think we are out of by far.I think with the impending public sector cuts things will get worse but at least we have vix 1.3/4 to look forward to:D

27-11-10, 22:35
II think with the impending public sector cuts things will get worseWho cares about the public sector, those people are just a drain on society. They don't make any money for the country, just waste it, and in the process put such a tax burden on manufacturing that goods are uncompetitive on the world stage where it really matters for the country. Look at any country that is currently successful and you will see they don't have a public sector, don't have VAT & don't have income tax.

28-11-10, 20:37
They also have no employment protection, no rule of law and very weak legal systems susceptible to political intervention.

28-11-10, 21:16
Is their a time-frame for VIX 1.3 -i.e before X-mas (i'm not asking for an exact date).


I think if this question gets answered, then maybe the forum members will wait patiently and questions about the release date will stop.

28-11-10, 21:20
you must remember that vix 1.2 works just great. so don't get too stressed out for 1.3. exactly what functionality are you missing

28-11-10, 21:27
you must remember that vix 1.2 works just great. so don't get too stressed out for 1.3. exactly what functionality are you missing

I want to change my skin, so I can view ECM times.

My EPG won't upadate automatically, so I have missed recording many of my programs.

I keep getting the green screen.

I can't rewind live programs properly.

Like I have said before, I appreciate all the hard work the VIX team put in to creating the image.

28-11-10, 21:35
except number 1.3 nothing i assume :-))

28-11-10, 21:39
except number 1.3 nothing i assume :-))

What do you mean ?????

28-11-10, 22:10
It not long mate as a beta tester even i have not been made privey to a date as tests are being carried out and many bugs have been found still. it would not be right to give you an unfinished or buggy image. infact the truth is every one would complain so let andy clean it up a little more and i assure you that it will be very soon and you guys will love it and say

well actually it was worth the wait

28-11-10, 22:20
They also have no employment protection, no rule of law and very weak legal systems susceptible to political intervention.Really? Try telling that to the people of Andorra, or Jersey, or Monaco, or Liechtenstein, or Gibraltar.

28-11-10, 22:24
Really? Try telling that to the people of Andorra, or Jersey, or Monaco, or Liechtenstein, or Gibraltar.

And what manufacturing of note is done there, as that was your justification for having no public sector.

28-11-10, 22:25
give silverfox a break. he has supplied info as required

28-11-10, 22:31
give silverfox a break. he has supplied info as required

Thanks fintannel but i dont think that was aimed at me but a few previous posts made that where made off subject about the irish dept problem

28-11-10, 23:25
And what manufacturing of note is done there, as that was your justification for having no public sector.It's not manufacturing but bringing money into the country from outside that's important. Manufacturing is one means to do that, whereas the public sector is not. On the manufacturing front look at Hong Kong. Minute public sector, 100% literacy, 100% employment, no VAT, no income tax, a median household income of $17,000 per month, and infant mortality 1/3 the rate of the UK.

28-11-10, 23:28
Guys just a pointer this is first going off subject and getting political and the rules state no political talk


28-11-10, 23:38
Guys just a pointer this is first going off subject and getting political and the rules state no political talkOK, just passing the time.

28-11-10, 23:53
The off thread issues, within this thread, are very interesting, and perhaps need moving to a rant room or general chat, I have views on these comments, as others have, but in the sat world, most of us here are lucky to have the VU+, and great surport as well, so please, keep to the main subject folks


29-11-10, 01:35
here's a thought to all our irish friends. many will be aware that water meters will be put into all homes in the very near future. now we all know our country is shagged. but to add to the misery i can assure that we will buy in all these meters from abroad. so get out there and say NO. we want to at least be allowed to manufacture such products.

29-11-10, 15:01
The political talk takes some of the pressure off the VIX team :roflmao:

29-11-10, 17:14
I agree Sic but who will bail out this one ?


Mr. Mister
29-11-10, 17:54
I agree Sic but who will bail out this one ?


Would the last man to leave please turn out the light.. !!!!

01-12-10, 00:20
could explain why there might be some politicians who are somewhat sceptical of loaning us irish a few bob (rather a lot of bobs in fact). its a strange and murky world where everybody seems to be totally broke but nobody has a problem giving a loan even in such circumstances. god bless the wild and wacky world of economic sense. it used to be you were broke, you shut up shop, and weathered it. today if your broke you just continue giving people money even if you don't have it.

sicilian, i take your point. andy is getting a breather. andy, just let us know if you need another economic crisis to distract folks (having said that the current one would be hard to top) :-)

01-12-10, 00:46
a strange and murky world where everybody seems to be totally broke but nobody has a problem giving a loan even in such circumstances. god bless the wild and wacky world of economic sense. it used to be you were broke, you shut up shop, and weathered it. today if your broke you just continue giving people money even if you don't have it.

lol that's what I still cant get my head around with regards to the banks. It seems they are all lending to each other and all defaulting on each others loans. bank A lends to bank B, C and D, bank B lends to A, C and D etc etc etc

Bank A says they cant give out mortgages because banks B, C and D wont lend them the cash, bank B says they cant because bank A, C and D wont lend them the money etc etc etc and the more I think about it the more I think absolutely nothing adds up.

01-12-10, 00:48
nothing adds up in the banking world unless its the bank manager doing his monthly time sheet :roflmao:

01-12-10, 01:45
The one thing I dont understand is why dident ireland just call everybodys bluff and just go bankrupt. They are in the euro and would have been bailed out no matter the cost.

01-12-10, 10:16

IT is a slow day in a dusty little Irish town. The rain is beating down and the streets are deserted.
Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit.
On this particular day a rich tourist is driving through the town, stops at the local hotel and lays a €100 note on the desk, telling the hotel owner he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night.
The owner gives him some keys and, as soon as the visitor has walked upstairs, the hotelier grabs the €100 note and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher.
The butcher takes the €100 note and runs down the street to repay his debt to the pig farmer.
The pig farmer takes the €100 note and heads off to pay his bill at the supplier of feed and fuel.
The guy at the Farmers' Co-op takes the €100 note and runs to pay his drinks bill at the pub.
The publican slips the money along to the local lady of the night drinking at the bar, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer him "services" on credit.
The hooker then rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill to the hotel owner with the €100 note. The hotel proprietor then places the €100 note back on the counter so the rich traveller will not suspect anything.
At that moment the traveller comes down the stairs, picks up the €100 note, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money, and leaves town.
No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole town is now out of debt and looking to the future with a lot more optimism.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the stimulus package works.

01-12-10, 17:21

IT is a slow day in a dusty little Irish town. The rain is beating down and the streets are deserted.
Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit.
On this particular day a rich tourist is driving through the town, stops at the local hotel and lays a €100 note on the desk, telling the hotel owner he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night.
The owner gives him some keys and, as soon as the visitor has walked upstairs, the hotelier grabs the €100 note and runs next door to pay his debt to the butcher.
The butcher takes the €100 note and runs down the street to repay his debt to the pig farmer.
The pig farmer takes the €100 note and heads off to pay his bill at the supplier of feed and fuel.
The guy at the Farmers' Co-op takes the €100 note and runs to pay his drinks bill at the pub.
The publican slips the money along to the local lady of the night drinking at the bar, who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer him "services" on credit.
The hooker then rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill to the hotel owner with the €100 note. The hotel proprietor then places the €100 note back on the counter so the rich traveller will not suspect anything.
At that moment the traveller comes down the stairs, picks up the €100 note, states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money, and leaves town.
No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole town is now out of debt and looking to the future with a lot more optimism.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the stimulus package works.

That's great only Ireland hasn't got a stimulus package!
We've been stuck with paying off private bank debt.
Growth forecast by criminal FF govt is 1.75%
EU growth forecast 0.9%
EU/IMF Interest rate 5.8%

A four-year old could work it out that eventually, Ireland will have to burn the senior bondholders and restructure (better word than default) on the bank debt (As will Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Italy etc)

Still, I live in hope that events will overtake our criminal govt and a proper EU mechanism to cope with the Eurozone crisis will come about.
Ireland hasn't signed anything yet!!

PS the tension is killing me...;-)

01-12-10, 23:54
Wow I skipped to the end of this and it's all gone very High Brow.

01-12-10, 23:57
yes this thread has vered off course a little

but its a goodthing as were not answering any release date questions

02-12-10, 00:12
I prefered the snow posts and pictures! LOL

02-12-10, 10:05
OK, i will try and get this back on topic!!!

The tension is killing me...........when will v1.8 be released???(i'm, skipping v1.3-1.7 etc LOL!)

02-12-10, 18:51
Don't worry mate when you get back from the olympics in 2012 it should be ready for you


Mr. Mister
02-12-10, 19:49
As long as its not World Cup 2018.. lol..

04-12-10, 19:06
Hi Andyblac,

sorry for the late reply and thanx for your response. I'm looking to increase the fontsize in the channel selection wiget, reduce the number of lines seen and maybe change the text and background colours. My wife is blind as a bat :)