View Full Version : Help I need the Snapshot link

27-09-14, 13:55
Just recovering from a major PC Crash my own stupid fault for trying to save some money by Over-clocking my FX-6100 3.2 gig to 4gig have now purchased a FX-8350 4.2gig and Fitted it in a New Cooler Master CM 690 III Case with water cooler :D I had every thing Backed up and saved to an External 2TB and internal 2TB Drive Drive but for some reason could not get my system restore files to restore so have had to set every thing back up from scratch and the only thing that I can not find is the link that lets you post a picture that you saved from my LX3 & Duo2


27-09-14, 14:15
I prefer to manually create screen shots via either a telnet session or directly through the browser.


Screen Grabs/Dumps
grab -o -p /tmp/grab.png [change grab to the file name you want it to be] shows OSD only.
grab -d -p /tmp/grab.png [change grab to the file name you want it to be] shows OSD with channel.

your png files will be sent to /tmp retreive via FTP

screen grab via browser

where, - ip of your receiver


27-09-14, 14:18
Thanks pheonix that's the one I was after I will save it on to a USB pen so I don't loose it again :thumbsup:

27-09-14, 14:21
Yeah I have a word document with all the common telnet commands etc for my boxes saved to a flash drive my self.

27-09-14, 15:14
is their any way to improve the picture quality to reduce them lines 37306 I can not remember them being that bad mind you I am still sorting my PC settings out

27-09-14, 15:22
Screen shots of rapidly moving objects such as those involved in sports have always been hit and miss in my opinion, try taking a .png format screen shot rather than a jpeg see if that makes a difference.

27-09-14, 15:30
I forgot about that lol no prob's I only wanted it mainly for taking snap shots of the receiver settings for reference