View Full Version : check oscam script no cron

26-09-14, 18:59
has anyone got an oscam check script for a solo2 receiver running the latest vix image you can share?
check if its running, restart it if not running prefer a none cron one if possible
seems just of late oscam seems to stop (tried a few different versions still the same) emu is only used as receiver not server
just a pain restarting it with remote
nothing I can find debug 255 in log

26-09-14, 19:33
No issues with oscam from the feeds & the inbuilt softcam manager on any of my boxes.

abu baniaz
26-09-14, 19:46
In softcam Manager, enabling autostart does exactly what you asked for.

27-09-14, 08:54
well it does not restart oscam when its stopped here....?
I thought auto start was for starting oscam at boot?
I will try oscam from feeds but I've never had any issues before with it stopping during viewing with my own compiled version or if i've download one from streamboard
I am correct in saying it's the one for pli 4.0 images?
thanks for your reply's guys

it only happens a couple of time's a night but its always been solid never had any issues previously
log just stops does not show any errors

30-09-14, 15:58
Sorry Abu your correct is does restart it if I leave it, I've always used remote before the time it takes to start it
is there anywhere I can make it check/restart quicker? is there a script i can change or is it run by cron?
I download oscam from feeds to try but I went to bed shortly after will test tonight
thanks again
and my apologies I stand corrected re it auto - restarting

abu baniaz
30-09-14, 17:32
While in SoftcamManager press Menu. You can reduce the check interval. Default is 6, I am afraid I don't know the unit it is in.