View Full Version : [MB Premium Mini] Miraclebox mini hd- bootloader and firmware update

21-09-14, 17:03

I am having serious issues trying to update bootloader and firmware.

After unzipping and copying the whole mirale folder inc contents to usb stick and rebooting box.

Nothing seems to happen and box just boots up to normal tv.

I does not give any options to update bootloader when that file is copied or even firmware.

Any ideas why its failing to recognise? Ive tried multiple usb sticks which the box recognises for storing epg and recorded data.


21-09-14, 17:05
Use a rear USB port.
Use a max 8GB usb stick.
Format your USB stick FAT32.

21-09-14, 17:25
Use a rear USB port.
Use a max 8GB usb stick.
Format your USB stick FAT32.


Thats the usb port that I used 1 at rear.

I tried a 1gig stick formatted to fat32 and still no luck.

At what stage is the upgrade suppose to kick in?

Looking at the box display I just see booting until it finally boots into normal tv mode


21-09-14, 20:19
Now tried multiple USb sticks and still not working.

Is there anyway to force the box to read the USB stick for update?

21-09-14, 22:06
after unziping the zip folder copy the miraclebox folder as one file to usb. use the front usb to flash the box as it states in the instruction manual.

it should display press ok to upgrade just after the display of ' Miraclebox' press ok to start the upgrade.

22-09-14, 04:56
When 1st booting normally, what does the VFD display say?

22-09-14, 19:52
On first boot. Vsd says RH5300 then immediately chanhes to booting and we see the openvix splash page

At no stage do I see miraclebox

22-09-14, 20:00
On screen starts up with world of satellite logo and then onto openvix screen

22-09-14, 20:02
Flashing guide http://www.world-of-satellite.com/enigma2/openvix/index.php?dir=Guides%20and%20Tutorials/Flashing%20Guides/&file=How%20to%20Flash%20a%20Miraclebox%20Premium%2 0Mini%20HD.pdf

Use a rear USB port.
Use a max 8GB usb stick.
Format your USB stick FAT32 using this HP Tool http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?45-HP-USB-Stick-Drive-Format-Tool
Buy a Genuine Kingston stick Max 8GB is none of your sticks are recognised.

Bootoader here Use http://www.world-of-satellite.com/enigma2/openvix/index.php?dir=Bootloaders/Miraclebox-Bootloaders/Miraclebox-Premium-Mini/&file=bootloader-miraclebox-mini-751mhz-4.29-25.05.2014.zip

Extact the file and copy the complete miraclebox directory to root of your USB stick.