View Full Version : [TM-2T] vix 037 media player sorting still not working

20-09-14, 23:50
I keep updating hoping that there will be a fix for what is a big problem for me. That is while in the standard media player the sort order does not work. It keeps defaulting to date order and even if I change this to alphabetic in the settings it does not work. I have updated to the 037 image and it is still the same not working.

21-09-14, 00:01
Local or network mounted HDD?
Write permissions to the drive correct?

Rob van der Does
21-09-14, 02:16
There will be no 'fix' as there is nothing wrong at all.
Write permission (in the actual folder) is indeed required for the sorting to 'survive'.

22-09-14, 09:35
thanks maybe try that but I don't like write permission because that could lead to network drive being deleted by mistake. How come the mediaplayer plugin sorts files fine?

Rob van der Does
22-09-14, 10:42
The build in mediaplayer writes a small file to all locations. This file holds all settings for that location. This allows all folders to have different settings.
No other plugin has such features; they can only make global settings.

BTW: I have no idea how write permissions for the mediaplayer could lead to network drive being deleted by mistake. Deleted files go to the trashcan, deleting folders will ask 'are you sure'.

25-09-14, 00:34
Sometimes forget, maybe a few drinks, maybe children messing, lots of different ways. I am not sure what is meant by write access. Streaming from network pc or nas do I have to give write access when I create a samba or nfs share on the pc? Or does it mean when configuring lan on the receiver? If it is the latter then I tried that and nothing happened when I either pressed the blue sort button in media and if in settings I try to change from date to alphabetical. By date does not change.

25-09-14, 02:21
On the subject of sorting in 037 (and previous versions), what is a "Flat Sport"?

I was assuming that this would be a sort of all files from the current directory down in one view, but that's not what happens. And I can't see any difference between, say, "A-Z" and "A-Z flat".

Rob van der Does
25-09-14, 04:06
'Write access' = permission to write.

I think 'flat' includes folders.

25-09-14, 11:45
I think 'flat' includes folders.Which is what I thought - but this doesn't happen for me on my box.
In /media/hdd/movie "A-Z flat" just shows the list of folders at the top-level. It doesn't show any of the contents of those folders.

25-09-14, 11:56
A-Z & A-Z Flat working fine here, build 37.

37274 37275

30-09-14, 21:06
Somewhere else on this forum said that they dreaded hitting the media button because it crashes all the time, well I agree with that statement whole heartedly because it has happened to me on countless occasions. I know you will say to include the log file but it is all just too much trouble keeping this tm-2t going well the media part. Mostly the reason for the crashes is that the network server has changed and the shares may be different resulting in the crash. This happens all the time I mean countless times. The old mounts seem to be always there and I don't know how to get rid of them. The mounts are mounted by autofs. I hope (another terrilby frustrating thing) my session has not timed out after writing this

here's the last bit of the log file
path is none
main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/MovieSelection.py", line 1328, in reloadWithDelay
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/MovieList.py", line 445, in reload
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/MovieList.py", line 549, in load
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/MovieList.py", line 659, in buildBeginTimeSortKey
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/media/autofs/nfs4exports/'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method MovieSelection.reloadWithDelay of <class 'Screens.MovieSelection.MovieSelection'>>,()) failed)

anyway I could not test the sorting having changed the share to rw in vix and on the pc

Oh! jesus I got You do not have permission to perform this action please refresh the page and login. I did this and subsequently lost everything I typed after logging in. Good job I save and pasted what I wrote. No wonder we get frustrated.

30-09-14, 22:20
Do you have any plugins installed such as T'S PANEL ?.

as this is known to cause the loss of mounts and does other funky things to the image too.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

01-10-14, 00:02
A-Z & A-Z Flat working fine here, build 37.Thanks.
The only difference I can see between A-Z and A-Z Flat is that in the former the directories are placed first (sorted) whereas in the latter the directories are sorted in amongst the files.
If that is what it is meant to do then fine - but it won't be of much use to me as I put most recordings into category-based directories.
I was hoping that by "flat" it meant it would flatten out the directory hierarchy, and hence show all files from any level in one listing.
Apparently this is not the case.

03-10-14, 11:40
Back again after trying openatv and openpli. Did not find them good. Vix seems easiest to configure. But! I installed new clean most recent image o41 I got the nfs and cifs shares recognised having made sure all were rw. Low and behold sorting worked as should be. I then went to bed contented and would try to see if I could delete files on the pc (which I dont want). On first boot in the morning when I hit the media buttor, CRASH_hhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So I could not test.

Heres last part of crash log
KEY: 226
KEY: 226
action -> InfobarActions showMovies
eHdmiCEC: received message 89 01
path is none
[TRASHCAN DeBug path] /media/autofs/
path is none
main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/MovieSelection.py", line 1328, in reloadWithDelay
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/MovieList.py", line 445, in reload
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/MovieList.py", line 549, in load
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/MovieList.py", line 659, in buildBeginTimeSortKey
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/media/autofs/NASC18E6E/'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method MovieSelection.reloadWithDelay of <class 'Screens.MovieSelection.MovieSelection'>>,()) failed)

The NASC18E6E/ entry is for a Nas box which was not switched on at the time. On the technomate all share are configured to mount with autofs. Maybe I should start a new thread with this one.

04-10-14, 19:26
I reinstalled the image again and mounted nfs share with rw both on computer and receiver. In media the sort buttoon worked fine. So I tried deleting a file from the sorted list. The entry was deleted on the media sorted list. However the file was deleted on the pc as well. There was nothing in the receiver trashcan and on the pc's trash there was an entry with .Trash with a path of the name of the share and this was empty. Well this seems very dangerous to me if we can delete things on the pc from the receiver. Also a major security hole.

05-10-14, 14:26
Crash again, I give up on media button until vix team sorts it out. Countless crashes so tempermenal whether its autfs, trashcan or network shares, I don't know. I have other threads on the subject and as yet not much input from vix team.

Rob van der Does
05-10-14, 18:18
That's because none of us has been able to reproduce this. And that's a prerequisite for vixing anything at all.

06-10-14, 15:29
Set up 2 network shares (cifs from nas box and nfs from pc) and mount these using autofs on tm-2t. Everything ok. Switch off receiver, pc and nas box. Switch on pc and then receiver leave nas off. Hit media button guaranteed crash with something about trashcan and can't find nas share.

Is there a way to switch off trashcan, I don't need it anyway?

Rob van der Does
06-10-14, 15:54
You can switch off the use of the trashcan; iirc in 'Recording Settings'.

06-10-14, 16:38
I installed the enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaplayer2_0.55_20140403_all.ipk and the network shares work fine with that. As soon as I hit the media button crash.

Rob van der Does
06-10-14, 16:40
Then please don't install that plugin. It's old and why would you want to use it?

06-10-14, 16:40
I installed the enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaplayer2_0.55_20140403_all.ipk and the network shares work fine with that. As soon as I hit the media button crash. How do I get into recording setting when it keeps crashing?

Rob van der Does
06-10-14, 16:48
De-install the plugin.

06-10-14, 18:33
I thought I was pretty clear. The internal mediaplayer is not working properly- when I press the media button the system crashes. The mediaplayer plugin works fine and which shows the mounted shares properly and added bonus is it sorts.

10-10-14, 22:53
Latest trial was install new image 047. First thing I did was Media button, menu got rid of media trashcan, then sorting and changed sort to alphabetical. Next I went into network browser and the system picked up cifs shares from nas and nfs from pc. Sweet, I then changed access rights to both to ro because of security.

I went to Media and it picked up /media/hdd and /media/autofs ok, and in autofs were all the shares. I browsed a few which were not sorted and I then hit blue button and then the files were sorted as I wanted. Great. I then swithed off the nas box and restarted the receiver. When I went into Media again the system crashed. I have not looked at the log file yet. I restarted the receiver and went into network and deleted the nas mount. This time when I went to media everthing was ok. Go figure something with autofs and trashcan hey.

By the way when I was in Media and nfs share I deleted a file. I was deleted from the menu but not from the pc.

abu baniaz
10-10-14, 23:02
Three of us spent quite a bit of time investigating your issue a few nights ago. We could not reproduce it. Please see video.

User account on PC has only got read permission
You will see me try to delete something. Exit and re-enter location and file is still there as it does not have rights to delete/write.
I then removed network cable. I entering media location, spinner for a bit, default to HDD.
Select network mount and get notification that mount does not exist

I set with CIFS/Autofs then NFS/Autofs. Both results were the same. Perhaps you may wish to make a full image backup so you can restore to it if you wish. Flash a fresh image with no restores, set the mounts and try again before adding anything else. I also tested the TM Twin to rule out any TM driver issues.

Sorry for the video quality, had to record over composite.

11-10-14, 07:36
You can switch off the use of the trashcan; iirc in 'Recording Settings'.

I have solo2 and duo2 and since Zeus I have no option in recording settings to switch off trash can, I remember at the time a few people who had performed fresh flashes with no settings restore seemed to loose it but nothing was done about it because some people still had the option... I have just done a fresh flash to Apollo 054 and it still isn't there.

Rob van der Does
11-10-14, 07:46
I have solo2 and duo2 and since Zeus I have no option in recording settings to switch off trash can
That is correct; the setting is in the movie list context menu. That's because it's a setting per location.

11-10-14, 14:21
I did a fresh install as I said created the mount points cifs for the nas and nfs for pc. Everything worked fine until I switched off the nas box and restarted the receiver. When I hit media button it crashed

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/MovieSelection.py", line 1328, in reloadWithDelay
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/MovieList.py", line 445, in reload
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/MovieList.py", line 549, in load
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/MovieList.py", line 659, in buildBeginTimeSortKey
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/media/autofs/PublicNASC18E6E/'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method MovieSelection.reloadWithDelay of <class 'Screens.MovieSelection.MovieSelection'>>,()) failed)

When the system rebooted I went to network settings and deleted the Nas mount point. Everything worked again. I thought autofs was supposed to take care of mounts when needed but seems to have a problem when the network server is not on.

11-10-14, 15:46
This is getting away from the topic which is about sorting media. At the moment it kind a is sorted. After new install and having the server rw and mounted shares as rw I went into media menu settings (i think) and went to sort and changed to alphbetical sort. This worked so I then went back to mounts setup and changed the access to ro. I believe I have rw on the pc server (might try changing that sometime). Anyway when the mounts access rights were changed to ro I could not then change the sort order but this is ok since I already changed the sort order to alphabetical. The advantage to ro is that I could not deleted any files from the server which was the issues with rw access. If it remains like this it would suit me.

PS to remove trashcan hit Media then Menu then Settings I think it is then first on the list 'trashcan for movie list' change to no.

11-10-14, 15:59
Three of us spent quite a bit of time investigating your issue a few nights ago. We could not reproduce it. Please see video.

User account on PC has only got read permission
You will see me try to delete something. Exit and re-enter location and file is still there as it does not have rights to delete/write.
I then removed network cable. I entering media location, spinner for a bit, default to HDD.
Select network mount and get notification that mount does not exist

I set with CIFS/Autofs then NFS/Autofs. Both results were the same. Perhaps you may wish to make a full image backup so you can restore to it if you wish. Flash a fresh image with no restores, set the mounts and try again before adding anything else. I also tested the TM Twin to rule out any TM driver issues.

Sorry for the video quality, had to record over composite.

Thanks for trying (see message on crash on other thread) I notice in your video re trashcan that the message pops up saying 'can't delete to trashcan' On my tm-2t the the pop up asks do you want to delete yes or no. If i say yes the file is momentarily removed from screen not from the pc and it reappears when I exit media and go back again.

Rob van der Does
11-10-14, 16:08
'autofs' certainly has limits. It is good in two things: when a mount is not available at boot-time, booting will not halt (as is the case when using fstab) and when a mount is required (for media or so) it will remount by itself.
What autofs does just as bad as fstab is when an active mount (a mount that is in use) becomes unavailable.