View Full Version : World of Satellite blues.

20-09-14, 19:17
I ordered a Vu+ Duo2 from world of sat during their summer break. Which was promptly supplied when they reopened. I was happy to wait the two weeks after my order to be sure of product integrity and the sponsors reputation. Love the Duo2 and really appreciate this site but cannot get W of S to answer email or website contact forms and this is worrying after parting with so much dosh.

Perhaps I was being cheeky as in my attempts to contact I explained I'd missed the shutdown discount code off my order (£10, I think) and would they consider allowing it on a future order? No response, tried again same result. Considering I'd just parted with £400 or so I'd have thought they would at least of answered out of courtesy.

Not the level of service I'd hoped for.

20-09-14, 19:20
Try pm'ing the sponsor via the forum here. I'm sure he has not been ignoring you but that it was a honest oversight on his part.

21-09-14, 09:43
Please re-send your email, we had a mountain of emails that we went through when we returned from our Summer shutdown, regards discount codes please see here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?12662-%A35-discount-off-any-satellite-receiver-over-%A360-we-stock-to-forum-members-only!

*Please note that this discount voucher code is offered at our discretion and we reserve the right to refuse the offer to any member abusing this. Discount code must be requested BEFORE placing an order and will NOT be applied to orders already placed. Although we do our utmost to issue discount code as fast as possible, please allow upto 48 hours for a reply.

Re-send your email and we'll look into your issue.

21-09-14, 18:51
Thanks for getting back to me. I can understand things being overlooked in the circumstances.

I should stress to anyone reading this the product, delivery and delivery support were/are superb and I did not hesitate to recommend World of Sat to my brother who is about to upgrade his vu+.

I'm not worried about a few quid, after all I spent £400. It's just reassuring to know the vendor is contactable.

That being said goodwill goes a long way.