View Full Version : Update image

09-09-14, 16:39

I am a newbie to this forum, having my shiny new Vu+Duo2 for a couple of weeks. I purchased it with everything installed so although it is totally different from my last stb which was a Spiderbox, the set up was mainly straightforward.

My question is regarding the image. I have Apollo 024 installed. I have noticed that there are now newer images available. What is the recommended thing to do, update as soon as they come out or wait a bit until any bugs are ironed out.

I am very happy with my set up but obviously do not want to settle for something when there is better available.

You advice would be much appreciated

Best regards

09-09-14, 17:15
If all is working fine ,just wait a bit until all updates are working fine.I am still on 24 because later versions gave problems.Usaly I updated immediatly but now I just wait a few days.Apollo 24 is still on old drivers but all is working fine.As soon as the new apollo 30 seems stabel and working fine I will do the update.Do not forget that you need to update all because a restore from old settings is not recommended from 24 on.Thats my own opinion.I still love Vix the most and developers are working hard to make everything ok for us out there.

09-09-14, 17:27
If you are currently happy with the image on the receiver there is no real need to update, but if you do it would be advisable to make a full image backup with the image manager first, as you would need to perform a full fresh flash to any of the newer images with no settings backups used.

to make a image backup Blue button> ViX> Image manager.

09-09-14, 17:30
Hello :wave: I also have a Duo2 you made a good choice :D if you are Happy with the way your Receiver is running and you are not Experiencing any Problems stick with Apollo 24
until you are ready to Bit the Bullet and change to a newer Image, I am running Apollo 30 at the moment mainly because I am confident enough now to install every thing from scratch
it was a different story when I got my 1st E2 machine a Solo2 in February,
Then the Image was Vix 3.808 when they moved to the new Zeus image I thought to myself that's it I will never be able to get my head around this :eek:
but I managed it with a lot of Help from the great mods on this site and I finally upgraded to Zeus 8 or 9 not sure the exact build, so just take your time Back every thing up on a USB Memory stick or your Hard Drive if you have one so you can revert back to your Original Image if something goes wrong
and you will always get some Help from the mods if you ever need it :D :thumbsup:

09-09-14, 19:30
I will say the newest vix image gives a much better SD picture than the one's up to image 24, Its probably down to the new kernel and drivers but I find the SD picture noticeably better,
If thats a good enough reason then I'd update but just make a backup incase you don't agree and want to revert back, Its definitely better than 24.
Just curious, what bugs? :confused: I'm on 30 and its flawless and I have a Vu+Duo2


I am a newbie to this forum, having my shiny new Vu+Duo2 for a couple of weeks. I purchased it with everything installed so although it is totally different from my last stb which was a Spiderbox, the set up was mainly straightforward.

My question is regarding the image. I have Apollo 024 installed. I have noticed that there are now newer images available. What is the recommended thing to do, update as soon as they come out or wait a bit until any bugs are ironed out.

I am very happy with my set up but obviously do not want to settle for something when there is better available.

You advice would be much appreciated

Best regards

09-09-14, 21:16
I will say the newest vix image gives a much better SD picture than the one's up to image 24, Its probably down to the new kernel and drivers but I find the SD picture noticeably better, I'm on 30 and its flawless and I have a Vu+Duo2

Yes the picture Quality is far superior now with the changes from 24 to the newer Apollo 26 onwards I have a LX3 as well as the Duo2 and the picture on both of them in SD is Superb

13-09-14, 14:51
Hi .I live in northern ireland and have recently purchased a vu+duo already set up with open vix 3.0-521 back up by musogeek ...my son has got hold of the remote and something has changed in my settings ....I cant get any chanels and keeps telling me it cant find satelite yet its reading the signal from it ..is there somewhere I can get a back up and just flash that on to it ? Hopefully someone can help me out a bit as I have spent hours with nothing to show but a headache ...many thanks

13-09-14, 15:02
Hi .I live in northern ireland and have recently purchased a vu+duo already set up with open vix 3.0-521 back up by musogeek ...my son has got hold of the remote and something has changed in my settings ....I cant get any chanels and keeps telling me it cant find satelite yet its reading the signal from it ..is there somewhere I can get a back up and just flash that on to it ? Hopefully someone can help me out a bit as I have spent hours with nothing to show but a headache ...many thanks

You could try pressing the TV button which is on the remote. One side of remote has a Radio button and on the opposite it has TV, press this TV button.

13-09-14, 15:05
Keep getting a service unavable check tuner configuration msg .

13-09-14, 15:07
go to menu, setup, service searching and check the tuner configuration settings. Can you tell me what the settings are for tuner A and tuner B?

13-09-14, 15:08
does your tuner config is still ok ?