View Full Version : [TM-TWIN-OE] Help please desperate,,

05-09-14, 18:15
Hey sorry guys,,if im in the wrong area,just tell me where i should be,newbie on here,Hiya,im really in need of some help,,i have a tm twin oe and i had a new power supply sent to e from tm inb london as i blew one of my chips inside,,,heard it happen before,guess its a issue with the boxes,anyway,when i fitted the new power board,and turned it on,all i got on the screen of the tm box was ,,booting,,,,,,then after a couple of seconds TM TWIN OE.was showing,,,stable on the screen of my box,,but if i press any menu button or tv button just with a scart fitted inb back to my tv i dont get anything on my tv screen,,so do i have to load anything on the box or flash it to get it up and running again,,its new to me as i forgot what to do,and i also lost the manual,,,,,,best boffins please help guys,,,,in despo need to get this running again.,,like i said after it shows booting up on the receiver screen,,then TM TWIN OE shows on receiver screen,but thats it,,cant respond to any command either from remote or the buttons on top of receiver,all i can do is turn it off,,,please help guys as im new to this receiver and i have no clue what to do to get it running again.

05-09-14, 18:18
Is there no output?

What did you have video output set to before the power supply blew?

If other than start. A Virgin reflash might help

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