View Full Version : tsmedia plugin still in extensions?

04-09-14, 22:25
went and removed tsmedia on box on solo2 on ap.24 and went to reinstall but not seen in extensions has it been removed?updated to current 29 and still not there:confused::sofahide:who robbed it:D

05-09-14, 00:04
did a full reflash no backups and still there to use again:eek::D:thumbsup:

05-09-14, 08:08
I have recently completed fresh install and tsmedia version 7.2 is available in extensions :)

Rob van der Does
05-09-14, 11:40
That will depend on the image & version used.

06-09-14, 11:23
i was not aware if you deleted it off box it does not come up in downloaded plugins again:confused:would that be the same for other plugins deleted also?so when i reflashed new image by usb and downloaded plugins it was back in extensions and downloaded to 7.2 not updates that yet as just rechecking a few things first:)

Rob van der Does
06-09-14, 15:00
No, that shouldn't be the case. We've had issue before with TS-Media on the feeds. Not sure what causes this.
Anyway: please use the attached version: 36879

07-09-14, 22:53
just curious if that differs from that file in tsmedia with all the different versions?thanks.:thumbsup: