View Full Version : New VU+duo owner needs help

23-11-10, 15:12
Hi. Previuosly I owned an azbox so this vu is very new to me. Got it today and got an image on it and managed to instal mgcamd and get that working once I found where the config file was to edit.

I have cool epg on it which looks good. I managed to put a bouqet on it too and all seems to work fine. M

My question is this...Can you make cool epg come on with just one press of a button? Aslo is there a way to make it go up and down channels with the +/- buttons?


23-11-10, 15:14
yes press the epg button below the exit butoon btw cool epg is the downloader of epg data and cool tv is the actual epg you look at

at the moment its only 1 item scrolling

hope this helps

23-11-10, 15:22
I'm guessing freestyler has installed a different image, not the vix. You can't get the coolepg to load up with one button press in other images without going through changing stuff in the image... Also, with the +/- buttons, these are assigned by default for the bouquets... You can use left/right arrows on around the ok key to go up and down the channels if that helps ;)

23-11-10, 15:27
Thanks, for some reason I just realised I installed vti and not vix which is what i wanted lol. I am gonna put vix on, is it better? If I do will I have to set it up again from scratch? Not that it was that hard anyhow.

23-11-10, 15:39
Thanks, for some reason I just realised I installed vti and not vix which is what i wanted lol. I am gonna put vix on, is it better? If I do will I have to set it up again from scratch? Not that it was that hard anyhow.

Whether it's better is your choice. In my opinion it is better, but then in the VTi team's opinion, their image is better :p. All we can say is give each image a try, and see which you prefer...

In regards to setting it up, you can backup the options using the software manager. Change settings to expert in the customise menu to choose what you want to backup.

I personally prefer to backup anything I want to keep manually, and then install from scratch... As you said, doesn't take too much to setup ;)

23-11-10, 15:48
Loading vix now so will let you know what i think! And then maybe be back with more q's lol

23-11-10, 15:50
Loading vix now so will let you know what i think! And then maybe be back with more q's lol

lol, np. See you later :p

23-11-10, 16:06
where is the option to install cams on vix? I want mgcamd on it.

23-11-10, 16:07
where is the option to install cams on vix? I want mgcamd on it.

long blue (to get to the plugin menu), then green...

23-11-10, 16:31
It lists no plugins to download at all, just says extensions and cool epg is in it.

23-11-10, 16:32
you need t update the box a few times untill it say no packages installed then plugins will show

23-11-10, 16:37
Update? Where do I do that?

23-11-10, 16:39
menu, setup, vix, image manger, update software

23-11-10, 16:45
I have nothing in there on mine? Am I missing something as nothing says update.

23-11-10, 16:47
one mo let me check may have got it wrong

sorry its menu, setup, software manger , software update

some time you get mixed up when trying to remember of top of head

23-11-10, 16:52
Thanks found it just before you posted. Just need to find the config file in the box now for mgcamd and then find how to download the picon icons for the cool tv epg.

Looking good so far.

23-11-10, 17:00
one mo let me check may have got it wrong

sorry its menu, setup, software manger , software update

some time you get mixed up when trying to remember of top of head

Or blue button > Software management > Software update ;)

23-11-10, 17:09
Any idea how I set up mgcamd as I managed it with the vti image but cant seem to on this and where do I download the images for the cool tv epg?

23-11-10, 17:26
MGcamd is installed via Menu > Plugins > Green button download plugins > Look under cams. You will need your own mg_cfg and newcamd.list in keys folder.

When u say images for coolepg, do you mean the picons to the left?

23-11-10, 17:35
Thanks dude, all sorted now.

Only thing missing are the icons on the cool epg. Where do I find em?

23-11-10, 17:44
look here mate


23-11-10, 17:50
Thanks, they look cool, where do they go on the box though?

23-11-10, 17:53
just unzip then to either a hdd or usb usb is better once unziped a folder will be created in root called picon then in your skin setting just make sure you tell the picon location

23-11-10, 17:56
So I just put the picon folder from the zip to my usb pen and plug it in the vu? Will it grab them automatically? I thought I would have to ftp em.

23-11-10, 17:57
once in the usb you need to just tell the skin menu that look in usb for picons and thats that

it should be menu, setup,vix,skin settings

then you see picon location set that to usb

23-11-10, 18:00
Just did that but once usb removed they dissapeared from the epg?

23-11-10, 18:02
yes you need to keep your usb plugged in it now a second drive in essence

if you want to keep them there and want to remove usb then best to place them in hdd

23-11-10, 18:06
dont forget that you need to mount your devices too thats first done menu,setup,vix,device manager and mount usb to /media/usb and harddisk to /media/hdd

then to format them menu,setup,system,harddisk and initialise

23-11-10, 20:39
A big thanks again to everyone as it is all set up and working great now.

I have one strange issue though. Not sure if anyone else gets this but after sending channel bouqets to the vu the lan connection goes crackers and my router flashes like mad after it has finished and I loose internet connectivity on all connected. Once I turn the vu off and back on again its all ok again, very strange.

23-11-10, 20:43
yes that is strange not seen that before check your router config may be that and the box login is username: root and password is left blank

23-11-10, 20:52
yes that is strange not seen that before check your router config may be that and the box login is username: root and password is left blank

Just checked and dreamboxedit had dreambox as password so maybe that casued it. My router has diff user and password as set by me.

On a different note, which program do you use to ftp stuff to it? I just used maz (for azbox) to do it as used to it and had it already. But maybe that casued it too?

23-11-10, 20:55
filezilla is the best it free open source and is good with linux filesystems

23-11-10, 21:09
I will have to try filezilla again as found it complex last time I tried lol.

Can the vu+duo stream media files over the network like the azbox or will I have to use usb or transfer em to the internal hd?

23-11-10, 21:24
the duo can but its not better than the azbox but then the azbox was pants as a sat receiver

search vlc for a few guides on here

23-11-10, 21:28
Cool will do, not that bothered as easy enough to transfer to the 1tb internal drive or use usb. I agree with the azbox bit lol, thats why I got this one.

Cheers for your time mate. It is a very friendly forum compared to lots of others.

23-11-10, 21:30
Thanks mate thats what the plan is

hope you enjoy your veiwing

25-11-10, 18:39
Having problems. Anyone know what files should be in usr/keys? I have newcamd.list which I manged to find on the net but what other file do i need and where can I find it as got a bit lost.

25-11-10, 23:11
Nay worry, sorted it!