View Full Version : wlan working on vu duo2 but not connecting to Cccam server..help please

31-08-14, 19:05
Hello, something of a predicament has occurred since switching from my broadband rj45 internet connection to my htc mobile phone using a wifi hotspot. After two days i've managed to get the wlan working, checked all okay, can stream, download, update etc so i know wlan working...however, and here goes...the cccam still shows as red not green, double checked all okay with server end, so defo something my end...but what??
running vix zeus 023 with cccam 2.13 (was 2.30, since trying anything)
any help, thoughts etc appreciated as two days lost of my life now :)

31-08-14, 19:08
Can't be discussed here

31-08-14, 19:12
not discussing anything illegal, just if anyone else has any server connection problems using wlan on a wifi hotspot as opposed to via a standard broadband router?...sorry if i gave any other impression...

abu baniaz
31-08-14, 19:18
Thread will have to be closed. Your wireless network is fine.

31-08-14, 19:26
sorry guys...my bad, just sooo frustrated and not sure how to word my request.. ): ..and thanks for the info Abu :)