View Full Version : Timer Record switching to tunerB

31-08-14, 15:57
Hi all
I'm having a bit of a problem when i set a timer record through tuner A..If for example the receiver is on bbc1 and i set the timer record to record itv..The timer kicks in but uses tuner b to look for itv..I just want it to switch to the recording channel on tunerA
My set up is
Tuner A 28.2 Fixed dish..Simple..Single
Tuner B Usals Motor dish...Simple..Positioner

Think it's just a setting somewhere...Any advice greatly appreciated
Cheers Richard

01-09-14, 14:26
Will be configuration mate but not something I can help with as never had a motorised dish. I would post in the general support forum, it won't be Gigablue specific.

01-09-14, 15:10
The recording will always use the next available tuner if the sat is covered by available tuner.
It will not use the current tuner unless no tuners are left.

The easiest way is to swap the cables and change the tuners other way round.
That way you watch tv on motorised and then recordings go to tuner b.
I assume you want to keep the motorised tuner free from recordings to watch other sats ?

I had opposite problem.
4 tuners 3 @ 28.2 and one motorised. Had motor on A but wanted to use all fixed tuners first so switched motorised to D and all great since.

But you want to do the opposite (use motor tuner first) so just swap them.

02-09-14, 14:21
Hi Silent and dfdream Thanks for the advice
My setup is 28.2 on tuner a and motor on tuner b
It records of tuner a ok if i leave the box on the channel that is set up for timer record..If i forget then it goes to tuner b..Which doesn't record anything as im in Spain and the dish on tuner b is to small to receive 28.2..I normally use it to watch/record mbc2 from 7w or 26e..So i just need it to when the recording kicks in it changes the channel on tuner a to the channel it's meant to be recording..Would changing 28.2 to tuner b and the motorised dish to tuner a rectify this? As suggested i will post on the main forum later
Cheers guys

02-09-14, 14:34
If your box is on (as opposed to being in standby) then your tuner a is occupied by whatever you were watching last. I think the issue is slightly complicated by the fact that tuner B is set up as a motor and the box thinks it can tune 28.2. There are advanced settings you can use to specify what sats tuner B can use (I think! - someone more familiar with motor setup would need to chip in). However, the core of the issue is that you are blocking use of tuner A by leaving the box on a channel. If it is in standby, then tuner A can be switched from one transponder to another.

02-09-14, 15:33
Excellent, if it's just a case of putting the box into standby and it will switch to the correct channel upon timer record then thats all good
Cheers Fat Tony

02-09-14, 16:12
There is a solution or 2 even.

1 - Change the motorised setup to advanced and using the same settings as simple only enable the satellites that you can pick up with the motor as fat-tony says. Then it will switch the tuner A to recording channel. (I can send screen shots if you need them)

2 - If possible to run a second cable from fixed dish and get a diseq switch (€5 on ebay) and connect the motor and second fixed lead to diseq and to tuner b. Then when advanced settings are configured you can record on b and watch on tuner a. (I can help with the config of that if you need as I have similar setup. My motorised dish only goes to 23e so I use a diseq and feed from fixed 28.2e dish to record.

02-09-14, 16:45
Hi dfdream
I changed tuner b to advanced and set 28.2 to 'not configured' but it still does the same for me
If you could send some screen shots of your set up to compare with mine i would be greatful..
Many thanks Richard

02-09-14, 17:28
Presuming you do manage to take tuner B out of the equation, you still need to ensure tuner A is not occupied on another transponder when the time comes to record. You effectively have only a single tuner connection from your big fixed dish to the box. So it can only record channels from one transponder at a time if the box is switched on. If it's in standby it can switch from transponder to transponder (but again only record from one transponder at a time). For example you can record BBC1, BBC2 and BBC4 at the same time on 10773H. You can record ITV London ITV2 and ITV4 at the same time on 10758V. But you can't record BBC1 and ITV2 at the same time on one tuner. If you have the box in standby, then it will switch the tuner providing the recording times don't overlap. But if the box is actually switched on the timer can't switch the tuner from what it's currently tuned to, although there may be some setting you can force - it's not an issue for me as I have two tuners.

02-09-14, 17:35
Hi Tony
Yes i understand not being able to record on different transponders from 1 feed
Like you say...I'll just either put it in standby or make sure i leave it on the correct channel
Many thanks all

02-09-14, 20:17
Fat-Tony if no tuner is available only the one you are watching tv on (for me anyway) a message comes up to say that channel is being changed to do a recording.

Presuming you do manage to take tuner B out of the equation, you still need to ensure tuner A is not occupied on another transponder when the time comes to record. You effectively have only a single tuner connection from your big fixed dish to the box. So it can only record channels from one transponder at a time if the box is switched on. If it's in standby it can switch from transponder to transponder (but again only record from one transponder at a time). For example you can record BBC1, BBC2 and BBC4 at the same time on 10773H. You can record ITV London ITV2 and ITV4 at the same time on 10758V. But you can't record BBC1 and ITV2 at the same time on one tuner. If you have the box in standby, then it will switch the tuner providing the recording times don't overlap. But if the box is actually switched on the timer can't switch the tuner from what it's currently tuned to, although there may be some setting you can force - it's not an issue for me as I have two tuners.

02-09-14, 20:36
I wasn't 100% sure of my ground on that :p I presume if you don't respond to the message it switches channel? In that case the OP's issue should be resolved by taking tuner B out of the equation, but it didn't seem to be the case. I see in the recording menu the option "Recordings always have priority" which is "yes" by default which should mean that a timer recording will interrupt live current TV as you said.

02-09-14, 22:31
Ahh sorted it
In 'Add timer' (timer entry)
3rd option down 'timer type'
It gives you the option of record or zap and record or just zap
Just tested with zap and record and it works fine
Thanks all

02-09-14, 22:35
Odd that - thought the default option was zap and record? Anyway, good to see you're sorted!

02-09-14, 22:43
Odd that - thought the default option was zap and record? Anyway, good to see you're sorted!
Yes it is a bit odd..as i'm sure i had it working before but in the end thought i was getting confused with my amiko alien..Ive never had to change it before and i don't make many recordings anyway to remember..Any way now i have 3 options...either leave it on the same channel to record or put it in standby or use the zap and record

02-09-14, 22:49
Odd that - thought the default option was zap and record? Anyway, good to see you're sorted!

No, default ViX option is to record. Should be no need to zap first unless tuners are misconfigured on a box with more than one sat tuner.

02-09-14, 23:12
No, default ViX option is to record. Should be no need to zap first unless tuners are misconfigured on a box with more than one sat tuner.
Hi Judge
I tried to configure the tuner b (motorised) and set 28.2 to 'not configured' Is there anything else i should be looking at?

02-09-14, 23:22
Hi Judge
I tried to configure the tuner b (motorised) and set 28.2 to 'not configured' Is there anything else i should be looking at?

I think it's been pointed out, put the feed with most options on Tuner A :confused:
Other than that, don't tell the box it can pick up a sat signal that it can't for any tuner.

02-09-14, 23:54
No, default ViX option is to record. Should be no need to zap first unless tuners are misconfigured on a box with more than one sat tuner.
Yes true, but the OP really only has one effective tuner (A) for 28.2 which was being blocked because the box was on and not in standby. In any case I think it's mostly working now.

04-09-14, 22:39
yes all good here now...and i will definatley try swapping over the feeds
cheers all

04-09-14, 22:42
Yes true, but the OP really only has one effective tuner (A) for 28.2 which was being blocked because the box was on and not in standby. In any case I think it's mostly working now.

In that case the box by default should switch over to the needed tuner & display a message telling the user why.

05-09-14, 00:36
But what it was originally doing was switching over to tuner B which was set for 28.2 but was useless for it. Because the default is record only (and not zap and record) the timer could not use tuner A because it was blocked, so used tuner B.