View Full Version : PCM Audio possible bug

31-08-14, 10:31

I've just bought a new cinema amp and noticed an odd issue with my Duo2's.

I have PCM Multichannel set to Yes whilst watching Standard def programmes in order to convert the 2 channel feed to a 5.1. If I playback mp4 files that have a 2 channel Soundtrack, and then go back to watching TV, the Duo2 reverts back to a 2 channel track, ignoring the 5.1 mode previously selected. I have to go into the audio selection on the duo2 and deselect and reselect PCM Multichannel. It is quite frustrating as the kids watch loads of mp4 format movies.

I have tested this on Apollo 14 and 26 and with the aid of two different AV receivers. Same results.

Can someone take a look at this or suggest a possible fix?

Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Lee

31-08-14, 12:31
What are you connecting your Duo to? If you are using an AV amp you will probably get better pseudo surround effects by letting the amp do it. If direct to TV, then two channel is all most TVs handle in any case. I have found the PCM multichannel option to be quite poor in any case. I tried it on multichannel PCM audio input and found that it mixed down to two channels. If you have an AV amp then it's better to let the amp do DD 5.1 or DTS processing.