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View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Openwebif and autotimer not saving correctly.

20-08-14, 16:05
I'm having the problem where the Autotimer information isn't saved when creating or updating them in the OpenWebIF. All you can do is read the current Autotimers. This is a very useful facility being able to type in Autotimers on a PC instead of through the satellite remote, but it isn't working for me at the moment.

The problem was reported here (https://github.com/E2OpenPlugins/e2openplugin-OpenWebif/issues/121) and it says the fix is available with 0.4.0 of OpenWebIF but this version of OpenVIX appears to use that version anyway.

Is there some other issue or has the plugin not yet been updated with this fix?

30-08-14, 19:48
editing timers has been broken in webif for ages for me, when I asked about webif a while back someone replied saying vix doesnt develop webif so they wont fix it.

Rob van der Does
31-08-14, 05:47
That is not the complete answer.
The Open WEB-IF has been under heavy development lately. Part of that development is adding/changing timers & autotimers.
It looks like that most issues have now been fixed, but the drawback of such a development is that any build comes with a 'snapshot' of the actual version, which still may have flaws.
If you want to follow this development, please have a look at (or subscribe to watch)

ViX uses the OE-A version, that is based on the above mentioned one, and can be found on


31-08-14, 10:56
yeah I noticed after I made my post it is a new layout in apollo much better with the icons on the left. So I guess someone did take my previous ideas on board then. I will test the timers on it.

31-08-14, 11:26
editing timers has been broken in webif for ages for me, when I asked about webif a while back someone replied saying vix doesnt develop webif so they wont fix it.

I believe you are refering to me here ?, in which case this is the post you are refering to ?


you can see that I did not say we would not fix it, but that we (ViX) are not the primary developers of the OpenWebInterface. I also think you are getting your self confused between the old web interface which is no longer available to us due to Dream multimedia licencing terms and the OpenWebInterface which is the standard Web If in ViX and has been for well over a year.

31-08-14, 11:29
yeah I noticed after I made my post it is a new layout in apollo much better with the icons on the left. So I guess someone did take my previous ideas on board then. I will test the timers on it.

Here is the log of what changes have been made to the OpenWebInterface and by who if you wish to keep updated on it's progress.


p.s this is also one of the reasons the image is updated regularly, because if it was not, you would not see those updates in the image at all.