View Full Version : [TM-NANO-OE] I can't seem to find the var/keys location on my Technomate TM Nano OE

20-08-14, 13:41
Hi, I have recently purchased a Technomate TM Nano OE, but I can't seem to find the location of the var/keys folder, has anyone else come across this issue or can anyone offer any advice?

20-08-14, 13:45
Try /usr/keys/

20-08-14, 14:17
Is this Technomate's version of var/keys?

20-08-14, 14:22
It is what ViX uses. They put in a symlink in the /var/ folder to point to the /usr/keys/ folder.

20-08-14, 14:43
Hi, thanks for your advice! I am new to this so it's really appreciated.
So another daft question - If I use the usr/keys on my technomate, that is just the equivalent of using var/keys on another machine? I guess I'm just checking that I don't need to do anything additional as well?

abu baniaz
20-08-14, 15:00
E1 receivers use /var/
E2 receivers use /usr/

No need for additional steps.

21-08-14, 08:39
I have a new Technomate Nano OE satellite receiver, but I am getting an error message when trying to set things up, which says ‘No config files found, please set up MGcamd first in var/keys
I currently have 2 files 1 called CCam.cfg and 1 called newcamd.list, from looking at various forums I have a feeling that I may have named these incorrectly? Or do I need to create any additional files?
Can anyone offer any advice please?

21-08-14, 13:44
It would be better to start a new thread - this is about Cccam.

With MGcamd you need mg_cfg in /var/keys or /usr/keys. It gets confusing sometimes because ViX adds a symlink.

abu baniaz
21-08-14, 13:54
He has not transferred mg_cfg. Whether it is /var/keys/ or /usr/keys/ is irrelevant, he will be directed to correct place (/usr/keys).

Install Mgcamd from feeds to ensure you are installing correct one. Menu > Plugins> green for download> softcams> mgcamd 1.38
Transfer the config files from here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?24555-original-vu-duo&p=182712#post182712 or http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?39890-Help-with-Cable-Set-up&p=306359&viewfull=1#post306359

We only help with cards in receivers here.

21-08-14, 14:06
I know this is a difficult area to discuss because of forum rules.

In the places where this topic is discussed freely they frequently talk about putting mg.cfg in /var/keys/ - I was giving a portmanteau answer which would be helpful to a newcomer to this subject.

abu baniaz
21-08-14, 14:15
But on E2 images, there is no /var/keys/. The fact some "programs" still mention /var/keys is the confusing bit. Not the fact that there are symlinks in images. The symlinks make the following scenario true.

Virtual location: /var/keys/
Real location: /usr/keys/

Anything looking at /var/keys/ will be directed to /usr/keys/ and will function correctly. If there was no symlink, it will look at a non-existent location and fail. Try it on any of your images. See where you end up when you type /var/keys in your ftp address bar.

21-08-14, 21:35
Hi, thanks for your advice, much appreciated. I now understand that I need to add mg_cfg to /usr/keys but i'm not sure what information needs to be contained in mg_cfg if any? Can anyone advise?

21-08-14, 21:49
Hi, thanks for your advice, much appreciated. I now understand that I need to add mg_cfg to /usr/keys but i'm not sure what information needs to be contained in mg_cfg if any? Can anyone advise?

Look at the link both myself & Abu pointed you to yesterday.
All the info you need is there!

22-08-14, 00:27
Hi, thanks for your advice, much appreciated. I now understand that I need to add mg_cfg to /usr/keys but i'm not sure what information needs to be contained in mg_cfg if any? Can anyone advise?

Save the .rar file in WinRAR>drag and copy file from WinRAR to desktop>ftp file into usr/keys>make sure both mg_cfg and newcamd.list are there>edit newcamd.list with your own Subscription details then Menu>Set Up>SoftCam/CI>Softcam Manager>Enable Startup>Start mgcamd 1.35a/1.38 and if all's well....enjoy:)

22-08-14, 01:19
Nothing to do with TM boxes either.
The OP just needs to read posts pointed out.

22-08-14, 13:57
It's obvious that the OP is struggling to understand all of this.

As I pointed out earlier this is where this forum has its limitations because of forum rules. My advice to the OP is to find a forum where this subject can be discussed in full.

27-08-14, 14:23
All up and runing now, couldn't have done this without all of your help and advice! Thanks again, very much appreciated!!!!:)