View Full Version : [VU+ Uno] No channels listed after uploading Catseye

06-08-14, 10:25
I have used Blackhole for several months now. The install procedure for a new BH image went as follows:

Flash from USB - go through initial setup selecting no to scan - install plugins - upload Catseye channel list and everything worked fine

Well I have decided to move to the Vix image so I did the exact some procedure as for BH but find that although I get the Catseye category structure when I select one of these folders all I get is a load of n/a and not the actual stations.

What am I doing wrong. Do I need to scan (which I have set running and has been going for 18+ hours) or is there something else I need to download that may have been integrated into the BH image?

06-08-14, 10:40
Where are you getting Catseye's settings from? Be sure to download any settings you use from the OpenViX feeds.
Menu -> plugins -> green -> settings.

06-08-14, 10:50
What I was doing was emulating what I did with BH i.e. using VUCC to simply upload the Catseye E2 settings file. That file works ok on BH

06-08-14, 11:20
That file works ok on BHAlways best to use or settings from our feeds. That way you always get settings that are compatible with the tuner configuration done in First-Install-Wizard.

06-08-14, 12:46
Thanks Huevos. So just to confirm - you are saying if I select no scan in the initial setup after a firmware flash than download a suitable settings file from your feed. Will try that when I get home.

once again, many thanks

07-08-14, 10:36
Reflashed and downloaded from your feed. Working fine, in fact I like the Vix firmware quite a lot. Will probably stay with it.