View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] boot from deep stanby fails

04-08-14, 13:19
Boot from deep standby is failing in recent (Apollo) Vix images on my Miraclebox premium twin HD. When booting from deep stanby
the front panel displays "miraclebox" and freezes. The only way to recover from this is to switch off the power for circa ten seconds
and then reboot. The same problem is present in the recent OpenMB images (see http://openmb.net/).

Boot from deep standby used to work in Helios images.

Any ideas on how to fix this problem? Deep standby is (literally) a cool feature, if only it would work!

05-08-14, 14:47
Works fine on my MB Twin in Apollo 023 (or previous releases). Does the problem arise when you are using the remote or only on a timer? The only thing I can think of is that you have some form of hardware issue or possibly a dodgy USB device attached. Do you have an internal hard drive installed? It might be useful if you had a debug log running and posted it here. Although, debug logs seem to get deleted on boot from deep standby so it may not be possible to catch this error. Try disconnecting any USB devices and see if the issue recurs. If you have an internal HDD try disconnecting that and see if the issue is still present.

06-08-14, 11:41
Thanks for your suggestions!

The problem occurs regardless whether I use a timer or the remote.

I do have a USB WLAN adapter attached and an internal HDD. I'll disconnect the USB WLAN and see if the problem persists.

About the debug log, how can I start debug logging and route it to my HDD? I've noticed that by default logging is routed to /var/log which seems to be mounted on
volatile storage and does not persist across reboots.

About disconnecting the internal HDD, I remember that "deep standby" was working with the last Helios release with the same HDD installed. Anyway ditching
the HDD would not be a solution as I need the HDD for storing recordings.

12-08-14, 09:00
Tried disconnecting the USB WLAN and my Miraclebox premium twin HD still freezes when booting from deep standby.

I redirected dmesg, bootlogd and syslog (/var/log/messages) to my internal HDD, but this was not helpful as apparently the system freezes BEFORE logging
anything at all when booting from deep standby. I think there may be some problem with the bootloader or the bootloader configuration, but I have no idea
of how to troubleshoot this.

Can anyone help with this issue?

12-08-14, 12:23
Tried disconnecting the USB WLAN and my Miraclebox premium twin HD still freezes when booting from deep standby.

I redirected dmesg, bootlogd and syslog (/var/log/messages) to my internal HDD, but this was not helpful as apparently the system freezes BEFORE logging
anything at all when booting from deep standby. I think there may be some problem with the bootloader or the bootloader configuration, but I have no idea
of how to troubleshoot this.

Can anyone help with this issue?

I was thinking the same.
Make sure you have the latest bootloader is installed.

You could try going back to the older image that was known to work well.
If the problem goes away with older image, than I would say it is very likely the bootloader is not compatible with newer image.

12-08-14, 13:52
Is there a newer bootloader for the Miraclebox premium twin HD than the one pre-installed by the manufacturer?

I haven't found a reference for an updated bootloader for this device: does anyone know of an updated bootloader?

12-08-14, 14:26
I'm still on the original bootloader that it came with and running Apollo 023 without incident. There was a bootloader change for the mini a month or so back, but not the Premium Twin. The only other thing I can think of is that your image has somehow become corrupted. Can you try a re-flash from a USB stick? I use the USB WLAN adapter that came with the box and it works fine, as does the 3.5" hard drive I installed.