View Full Version : Slow to respond when changing channels

04-08-14, 09:54
Hi Everyone,

I've got my VU+ Duo2 up and running with openvix apollo.022, which I'm pretty happy with, however I have a few niggles that I'd like to sort if possible.

When I choose to change channels manually, e.g. enter "101" for BBC1, the channel numbers appear on screen for about 5 seconds before it finally switches to the channel. Is there any way to speed this up, or remove the delay completely in the settings? I know you can press the "ok" button, and it speeds it up but to be honest it's an extra button press every time you change channel and it's unnecessary.

Any help will be much appreciated :)

04-08-14, 11:21
how should the poor STB distinguish if you want to pre 1, 2, 3 or 4 digitis? OK is the only solution. Alternatively you could use a Harmony remote with favorites where OK can be added automatically.
