View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD] A few strange issues on 022

27-07-14, 11:41
I updated to 022 from 021 (Ithink) online yesterday. I always have the ip of the box fixed to but for some reason it didn't use this ip even though it was set to this in adapter settings. When I checked my router it was showing as and I could connect to the webif using that ip. I reset the adapter settings and was able to connect via ftp and webif on the .33 ip. So this morning I tried to connect with flashfxp and got "connection refused"? checked webif and it connects on the same ip that I entered on flashfxp, which is very strange. Any idea what might be causing this? I know that's very confusing but ts the best I can do :)

Also, when I was checking the image number I noticed the quad was running at 86*C. Seems extremely high to me should I be worried about this :confused:

27-07-14, 12:05
Do you have DHCP active ?

27-07-14, 12:10
Do you have DHCP active ?

No DHCP is set to off.

27-07-14, 12:25
As for the temperature on the Quad, while it can be worrying to see temperatures in that region it's not unusual for a Quad especially with the current heatwave, My own hit 81 a few weeks ago and so did several others. as long as it has a good airflow around the receiver it should be fine but if you are worried you could try using a laptop cooling pad.

27-07-14, 17:48
Ok so I decided to take another look at this and still can't connect with flashfxp or putty but can with webif. Putty is refused my connection twice and on the 3rd attempt I got this message

The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You have no guarantee the server is the computer you think it is.

The servers rsa2 key fingerprint is
ssh-rsa 2048 29:9b:0e:56:xxxxxxxxxxxx

If you trust this host, hit yes to add the key to PuTTY's cache and continue on connecting. If you want to carry on connecting just once, without adding the key to the cache, hit no. If you do not trust this host, hit cancel to abandon the connection.

Never seen anything like this with putty before, anyone got any input?

29-07-14, 08:20
Not sure if it's systematic or not but I've known OpenVix to regenerate its SSH keys during an update.

29-07-14, 09:54
I have seen that whenever used putty on a pc that you have not used to connect to the pc.

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