View Full Version : Unable to FTP to my Xtrend 9000

25-07-14, 19:32

I upgraded to OpenVix Apollo last night, and was able to FTP across to drop a file in, but today I keep getting ECONNREFUSED in FileZilla, however I can connect to Openwebif.

Anyone got any ideas whats gone wrong?

Thanks in advance :)

25-07-14, 19:49
have u got wlan, if so it can be conflicting with the lan if using it, that happened to me on lx3 had to reflash

25-07-14, 20:03
Sorry, can you explain what you mean by wlan?

25-07-14, 20:18
wireless lan

25-07-14, 22:16
Yeah basically have u got wireless on ur box. Mine has and when I set it up I chose wireless then stopped wireless and chose lan but the wireless was conflicting it and messed up ftp got exact same error as u

29-07-14, 21:16
No, don't have wireless on the box, and strangely enough I restarted my box and it seemed to resolve the issue.

Sorry for the delay in posting that I had resolved the issue, thanks for helping, really appreciate it :)

10-08-14, 09:59
Funnily enough I have got exactly the same problem..I open CTCC and connect no problem but when I click on the FTP button nothing happens. I have reflashed the box and all my encrypted channels have stopped working. Has anyone got any clues or suggestions what I can do ? Ive had the box 3yrs. and this is a first..

Thanks for any replies...

rgds. Tryharder