View Full Version : Inadyn dyndns configuration

16-07-14, 19:09
im tying to configure this here are my setting can someone please help please thank you

Check for a new IP every 54000 seconds (24 hours)
update_period_sec 54000

# Enter your DynDNS.com username and password here
username XXXXXX
password XXXXXXX

# What kind of host is being updated? Choices are dyndns@dyndns.org, statdns@dyndns.org, custom@dyndns.org
dyndns_system dyndns@dyndns.org

# The hosts you want to update (uncomment the lines below)

alias xxxxxxxx.dyndns-mail.com

#alias another-dynamic-host.homeip.net

17-07-14, 13:57
In theory the line alias xxxxxxxx.dyndns-mail.com should be under the #alias another-dynamic-host.homeip.net line in your inadyn.conf file.

But since all the lines starting with # are ignored it should not make any difference. But just in case I would try an extra blank line between
dyndns@dyndns.org & alias xxxxxxxx.dyndns-mail.com

Otherwise it all looks ok.

There is no log file to check whether or not it's working. But you can log on to your dyndns account to check if its working.

17-07-14, 16:08
Hi mate ive done that all and no connection to my android phone.? it connects via my home wi fi but via wan cant find it? thank you

17-07-14, 22:48
I don't understand what you are trying to achieve with inadyn - can you give more details of what you are trying to do.

This is what inadyn is designed to do.

- firstly - it assumes you have already signed up for an IP host with dyndns or no-ip or similar.

- then, it monitors your home IP for any change
- if inadyn detects that your home IP has changed it logs on to your dyndns (or no-ip, etc) account and automatically updates the IP associated with your host name.

Is that what you want to inadyn to do for you?

17-07-14, 23:35
You also need to forward ports from your router to the receiver. I think there is a tutorial on the forum but I am just using my phone atm so I cant show you where.

18-07-14, 09:26
I don't understand what you are trying to achieve with inadyn - can you give more details of what you are trying to do.

This is what inadyn is designed to do.

- firstly - it assumes you have already signed up for an IP host with dyndns or no-ip or similar.

- then, it monitors your home IP for any change
- if inadyn detects that your home IP has changed it logs on to your dyndns (or no-ip, etc) account and automatically updates the IP associated with your host name.

Is that what you want to inadyn to do for you?HI im wanting to use my phone at work and when on holiday to view my sat box? and from what I understand you have to have dyndns as a sever? or am I wrong? thank you

18-07-14, 10:05
You dont have to but it makes life a lot easier if you dont have a static external ip address. Have a read of this thread http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?12061-How-To-Stream-TV-To-iPhone-amp-iPad-amp-PC-amp-Others as it will give you an idea of what ports to forward

18-07-14, 13:53
Thanks for explaining what you are trying to achieve. Follow the ronand advice above and you should be sorted.

Post again if you have any more questions.