View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] Image Backup - doesnt reflash

09-07-14, 07:56
Installed this on a Miraclebox Premium Twin HD last night, got it all setup how I wanted it, took a backup (settings one first, then full one second), FTP'd it off onto my LAN then went to play with OpenMB. After a while I wanted to go back to Vix so I unzipped the backup (WinRAR), put the miraclebox folder on root of a fat32 usb disc, powered the box down, inserted usb, switched on and it doesnt ask for "press ok to upgrade".

Long story short, I had to reinstall the blank image from openvix.co.uk and restore settings once its installed. Did I do something wrong?

09-07-14, 12:23
What files are created in the backup?

09-07-14, 13:15
I'll check later but from memory a miraclebox dir, inside that a twin dir, then files in there - I'll check after work

09-07-14, 22:08
yeah 6Mb of kernel.bin and almost 62Mb of rootfs.bin inside miraclebox>twin

10-07-14, 22:14
Anyone else experiencing this?

10-07-14, 22:45
yeah 6Mb of kernel.bin and almost 62Mb of rootfs.bin inside miraclebox>twin

Are they the only files in the backup?
Have you tried creating a new one? If so, only 2 files again?

10-07-14, 23:34
In the download from ViX the files noforce, imageversion (both small text files) and splash.bin (vix initial boot logo) are also present along with rootfs.bin and kernel.bin - don't know if the supplemental files need to be there to be recognised by bootloader. All contained in miraclebox/twin as per your post.

11-07-14, 07:12
As Tony above posted, add the missing files from a downloaded image. The backup image would restore fine using image manager.

11-07-14, 07:40
ok I'll give this a bash later - thanks both

11-07-14, 07:42
if you produce a backup from your boxes do those 2 files get produced? wondering if this is a image/box thing or whether its a 015 bug

11-07-14, 14:09
if you produce a backup from your boxes do those 2 files get produced? wondering if this is a image/box thing or whether its a 015 bug
Just the rootfs and kernel files get produced. But this zip is managed by the image restore function in ViX. So it's unzipped and installed from the backup by ViX image manager - not for unzipping and loading via the flash bootloader perhaps?