View Full Version : Box stuck on starting after flash

08-07-14, 18:36
Hi All,

So.....had my original DUO repaired for a second time after the C807 cap went. Bobonthejob replaced the broken one with a 330UF 50V cap and everything booted fine with my old VIX image. Happy days. Me, being the tinkerer that I am, decided that it would be a good opportunity to find out what VIX Apollo was all about. Now, since flashing via USB I cant get the box to get past starting. I've tried multiple USB sticks, all formatted to FAT32 (and ones that I have used to flash with before), I've tried reflashing the bootloader, I've even tried flashing VTI image. Everything flashes fine, but I cant seem to get past starting when I reboot.

Any ideas much appreciated!

08-07-14, 19:17
I've also tried flashing original image and bootloader via RS232 but keep getting load failed step 4 -error 21 with the latest vu util. The older version of vu util shows a TFTP error even though it seems to communicate with the box....What A PAIN!

UPDATE: Just flashed original image and....ITS WORKED! No idea why thats happened. Going to try again with Latest VIX, if I dare lol.

08-07-14, 19:50
Tried again with latest VIX - Got stuck at the starting prompt again. Went back to Original image and it worked first time! What is going on? Any help much appreciated

08-07-14, 19:56
Which version of the original Image ?.

08-07-14, 20:06
Hi Phoenix,

From what I can see its version 7


08-07-14, 20:11
Ok..... I've just loaded Helios 017 on the box and left it for around 10 minutes and its booted! No idea why its taken so long. I'll try to update to Apollo via image manager and see what happens!

08-07-14, 20:15
Ok..... I've just loaded Helios 017 on the box and left it for around 10 minutes and its booted! No idea why its taken so long. I'll try to update to Apollo via image manager and see what happens!

A exaggerated boot time could be for a number of reasons including but not limited to, the receiver doing a check disk on the HDD, the only way to know for sure would be to create a boot log with a rs232 null modem cable and something like putty at bootup.

08-07-14, 20:17
Hi Phoenix,

From what I can see its version 7


Thats a very old image from 2011, do any old image from the various teams from this time work ?.

08-07-14, 20:17
Thanks for the info Phoenix. I'm going to format the HDD and try a reflash to Apollo.

08-07-14, 20:29
Ok - updated to Apollo via image manager and it booted straight away! I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth LOL. To answer your question Phoenix I only tried that v7 original image. Oh well - looks like everything is good now! Thanks for your help

08-07-14, 20:36
Ok - updated to Apollo via image manager and it booted straight away! I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth LOL. To answer your question Phoenix I only tried that v7 original image. Oh well - looks like everything is good now! Thanks for your help

Cool I am very pleased that you are now sorted. As i said it may have been a matter of the receiver running a check disk on the HDD, but without a bootlog we will never know. One thing I would advise is to make a full set of Image and settings backups once you are happy with your image.

These can be found via the blue button

Blue button > ViX > Image manager = allows you to create a full Image backup that can be flashed back via a USB stick or directly via the image manager it self, you can also download Images directly from the ViX server from within the Image manager.

Blue button > ViX > Backup manager - allows you to create a settings and plugins backup, these can be restored to any freshly flashed receiver (must be the same receiver type as they were made on and the same image line, for example a Vu+ Duo running ViX Apollo ), either as part of the initial first install wizard or manually from within the backup manager (by default the image will also create a settings and plugins backup when ever you use the online update feature, incase some thing goes wrong).

09-07-14, 07:58
Just for anyone else with a Duo reading this thread who is stuck on reboot after loading a new image.

It can take the Duo 10 minutes waiting for it to reboot. I suggest leaving the box for a least 15 minutes to see if it will start up on it's own before you pull the power.