View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD] tv displaying on quad lcd

07-07-14, 23:00
flashed build 15 but cannot seem to get rid of TV displaying on the lcd.

changing the display in the front panel setting to display picon doenst affect the lcd.

07-07-14, 23:45
flashed build 15 but cannot seem to get rid of TV displaying on the lcd.

changing the display in the front panel setting to display picon doenst affect the lcd.

same cannot turn off mini tv on the quad lcd .

08-07-14, 10:21
same for me :confused:

08-07-14, 13:07
same here :smiley_yup:

08-07-14, 13:55
Add me to the list.

I use my modded (botched, but it displays what I want exactly how I like it) version of the display plugin skin


and if I select this, it restarts the GUI but the TV still remains.

08-07-14, 16:13
Hi Guys,

Add me and my GigaBlue Quad to the list too!

On closer examination, it seems the setting in Setup/System/Front Display Panel/Skin Set Up/ for "default with picon" isn't being remembered. I've set it twice but when I re-start and go back in, it has defaulted to "default" which I guess is why we're getting MiniTV instead.

I also think it's a little slow to browse the menu pages and I'm getting occasional vertical striping on my screen?


08-07-14, 17:15
It is a problem with new drivers and how ViX is interacting with them. The devs are on the case. If you want to revert back to previous driver version just unzip the attached driver file and ftp to /lib/modules/3.3.8-2.0/extra/

Caution - you should backup your current driver file just in case!

08-07-14, 17:45
thanks for the explanation fat one. :)

hopefully the new kernel and drivers arent too far off

08-07-14, 17:48
Hi Fat-Tony,

Thanks for the update.

Have rolled back to Apollo 012 for the time being, but may try again with 015 and the old drivers.


10-07-14, 16:03
Thanks for the fix ;)

10-07-14, 16:26
Next build will contain support for Mini-TV on HD800UE+, Quad and Quad+, massive thanks to Andyblac for adding support.