View Full Version : VU+ Duo2 Front Screen

04-07-14, 21:27
I Have just set up my New Duo2 and I am very pleased with it, but their is one thing that is really bugging me its the Front Display Panel
the LCD screen is fine if complex looking, but the Display on the front centre panel really looks well how can I say it's Kack
it looks like their is a halo of light round the display it's strange to explain and it's rather a blocky display :nono:
the Display Panel on my LX3 is far superior to the one on the Duo2, the LX3's is crystal clear, the Duo2's looks like you are looking through frosted glass
I read a revue a wile ago saying how disappointed they where with Front Display Panel but I did not think that it was as bad as it is
but I suppose that I will learn to live with it, I have messed about but gave up and left it about half brightness

but apart from that I have no other complaints, I fitted a 3TB Toshiba 3.5" Hard Drive and it is recording the footy as I type :thumbsup:

04-07-14, 22:29
Funny I was just thinking the same, I bought a Duo 2 today, set it up all working great, beside the VFD Diplay which looks crap. Its like a HALO effect around the text. Im glad Im not the only one which this niggle....

04-07-14, 22:47
Yes it's a strange one I keep wanting to wipe it clean as if their is condensation on the screen, I think the problem with it is that the display is set to far back from the glass causing a reflection, if you look from the top or even the side so that no display is showing you can see the halo/reflection
it's defiantly the display reflecting off the glass, I would have thought VU would have designed a better screen, it's a shame as it spoils a otherwise Excellent Receiver :(

Rob van der Does
05-07-14, 02:34
The VFD of the DUO2 is indeed very bad. Best is indeed to dim the screen as much as possible, to minimise the 'milky' effect.
And the LCD is far too small to be a useful compensation (I've switched it off).

05-07-14, 03:36
The LCD Screen is ok for me because the Receiver is only about 5 foot away from where I sit but I suppose in a larger room it would be a bit small
their are a lot of options for the LCD screen that I do not understand, I will have to look for a idiots guide to setting it up :D

05-07-14, 06:59
The main thing to remember with the LCD is to save your changes before you exit as the plug in doesnt do it automatically or indeed prompt you to do so. I did a while ago try to find information on how to edit the vfd display so it just shows some basic stuff, ie progress bar, HD and time, not any actual text but without knowing the pixel co-ordinate s of the grid it is extremely time consuming. :(

05-07-14, 10:39
Thanks for that information DaMacFunkin I would definitely put in the time if it would improve the VFD
I keep looking at the superb Display on my LX3 and thinking why VU did not fit a similar one in the Duo2 as the rest of it is of Excellent Quality
such a shame that they cut corners on such a vital piece of equipment

05-07-14, 17:58
Been thinking of opening the front vfd. I wonder if I can put a polarised clear film on top. Would that get rid of the halo effect?
I will try later on..