View Full Version : Planets

19-11-10, 09:14
In case anyone is wondering what the big bright star is that can be seen to the South East in early morning at the moment, it is the planet Venus, slightly above and to the right is a blue star called Spica and further above and more right with an orangy glow is the planet Saturn.
Jupiter can also be seen for most of the night and is the brightest object in the southern sky from about 6-7pm onwards.
All 3 planets can be seen by the naked eye but if you have some decent binoculars take a look at Jupiter through them and if you are lucky you will see a black dot in front of it which is the Jupiter moon Titan.

20-11-10, 02:38
3556Are you a Skywatcher Maxwell? Im always out in my garden when its clear. Used to have very little light pollution for the first 8 years when I moved to where I am now but then 2 bloody yuppie apartment blocks went up about a quarter of a mile away. Its still ok but when you get used to perfect darkness almost it is annoying, especially as not all the apartments are sold yet, nearly 4 years later.

Did you catch any of the Leonid meteors the other morning, the peek was early Thursday morning. After all the wind, rain and clouds from earlier in the week I had a perfectly clear sky, even better when the moon set. Saw some real stunners.

Is Comet 103P/Hartley 2 visible with the naked eye? I was out looking for it but could not locate it. I use Pocket Universe on my Iphone its a great little app.

For anyone wanting to try and see it heres where it should be tonight,

20-11-10, 02:42
i sthat pictue taken using an iphone app is so what is the app called?

20-11-10, 02:56
Yeah its called Pocket Universe. It uses the GPS in the phone. you just point the phone at whatever your looking at and it appears on your screen. There is also another similar app called Starmap

Both available on Installous

20-11-10, 04:26
Thanks mate gonna get them