View Full Version : new reciver

29-06-14, 14:32
Hi all,
I have a vu plus box at present running vix.
I am looking at purchasing a new box and it is between a solo 2 or vu plus 2 but cant decide?.
I was hoping someone will give me some advice on which box is best or is there a new box on the way. (no cable )


29-06-14, 15:57
Hi,aint got one myself but a pal has had a solo 2 since they came out and he says its great.solo 2 has 2 tuners so if you would like more the duo 2 is able to have 4 tuners.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

29-06-14, 16:10
Personally the best boxes for you are either the VU+Solo2 it is a fast and rock solid box
and the Golden Interstar Xpeed LX3, as it has the option of 4 tuners at a fraction of the cost of a DUO2
I have 4 DVB-S tuners fitted to mine and it is running like a dream on Apollo 12 it all depends what you want from it
but I have to say that with having 3 sat cables running to mine I never have to worry about running out of programs to record :D
I will have to run another cable down for my Solo2 as it dose not like having only 1 cable fitted to it :)

29-06-14, 19:13
I have both the VU+ Duo2 and the Golden Interstar LX-3 and as far as the quality of the pictures and running both are great.
The only thing I would say is that the LX-3 is the more versatile as far as tuners is concerned
VU+ 2 twin tuners sat-sat and sat-sat or sat sat and tv tv or sat sat and cable cable
LX-3 4 single tuners 1st 2 tuners fixed as Sat tuners and you can chose the other 2 as you wish sat and sat or sat and cable or cable and cable.

29-06-14, 19:16
quick look at dvb t c tuner for the vu+ I think you can only really use one of these at a time so looks like only 3 tuners working in that config

29-06-14, 20:28
sorry its a vu duo

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