View Full Version : Where is the plugin folder located in vti image?

18-11-10, 19:51
Where is the plugin folder located in vti image? Thanks.

18-11-10, 20:00
on the box its long press blue if you mean ftp then what are you tring to do [note this is not the same as a linux PC or xmbc]

18-11-10, 20:48
It's for FTP. In order to make a piece of software to extract the boxkey.

18-11-10, 21:26
there is already a software out to get box keys and its a pc based software i cannot really see a need or use for the software to be made to be used withing the box. also its actually a script or ipk file that needs to be made and installed useing the pyton language and linux distro. xbmc is slightly different to a vu in respect of behaviour and folder locations and use