View Full Version : Autostart Script

18-11-10, 12:50
Hi all.
I use the original image (5.4) with one or two mods.
I installed cccam which I downloaded from the vti server. This auto-starts but I can't find the script that does it.

Anyway, I am now trying to install Oscam, which is not available from the vti server (only cccam_oscam together). I first deleted my working cccam and then ftp'd it (Oscam) to my box - but I had no luck getting it to read my card or connect. I think it's simply a case of it not running!
So, my question is how do I start it manually and how can I automate it (ie. autosatrt).

PS. as an aside, does the latest VIX have stand-alone Oscam in the downloads?

18-11-10, 15:10
Vix does. I tried to use it to get a TNTsat card working but had with no luck. I have gone back to VTi V2 and I am currently struggling to update the Oscam binary there also.